Chapter 4

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It was in the evening, as Amelia was hanging up her laundry, as she smiles.  Soon she felt her eyes get covered, but Amelia elbowed the person behind her. There was a loud grunt, soon Amelia turns around and sees William. " Oh my god! I'm so sorry." Amelia said. William rubs his stomach " barely hurt." William said. Amelia then laughs a bit, as she shakes her head. " How was spending with night with the distressed princess?" Amelia said. " Horrible, just miss my other buddy." William said. Amelia then laughs a bit at that " figure you would have a horrible time, but glad you've came back." Amelia said. William nods" anyways, I had a long ride. I'm going to be in my room if you needed me." William said. Amelia then grabs his arm, as she looks at him in the eyes" their something different about you." Amelia said. William looks at her " What, do you say that?" William asks. " Because now, you have more confidence." Amelia said. William glances over at her " I, yes. something happens when I was over Liz's" William said. Amelia nods " Did it feel good?" Amelia asks, maybe she shouldn't have done the curse. " Does it feel good when you fuck yourself?" William asks. Amelia felt her face heat up, and soon replace with anger. Amelia raised her hand up to hit him, but Willaim stops her as he grips her arm pulling her forward. " I ask, you don't hit me. respectfully." William said. Amelia knew what was going to happen, his fate was already almost there, not on her watch. " I'm sorry. I just don't think that was an appropriate" Amelia said. Willaim let's go and nods" Yes, Well I'm sorry." Willaim said. " I'm going to head in town." William spoke. " Can I come; I've been in this house for a couple days." Amelia said. " You can, but cover. I don't want them hurting you." Willaim said. Amelia then nods, soon she got dress, as she places a see thought black silk hijab. " What do you think?" Amelia asks. " It, looks stunning." Willaim said as he smiles a bit. " Good, I already know." Amelia said. William shakes his head as he held out his arm out" May I?" William asks. Amelia smirks as she takes his arm.

Willaim and Amelia were in town of Scottland, Amelia went up to a window as she saw a black dress, that had an open gap at the bottom, and a long part down the other leg. Amelia looked at it, as she wanted it. Willaim heads over, as he looked in the gift shop window. " How much is it?" Willaim asks. " I have no idea. but let's find out." Amelia said, as she heads inside the gift shop, an old man looks up and gave her a glare. " Hello." The old man said. Willaim walks in as he looks around " That dress, that's in your window. how much?" William asks. The old man smacks his lips, as he looks back at amelia. " About hundred pounds." the old man said. William nods" Well take it." William said. Amelia was surprised, where did he get the money from? The old man nods, as he glares at amelia. " Why she looks familiar." the old man said and reach up to pull off her hijab, but Willaim grabs the old man head. " Please don't touch." William said, Amelia saw the darkness in Willaim eyes, and that scared Ameilia. the old man nods " A protective man, you should be glad that you have a protective man." The old man said, as he takes his arm back from Willaim grip. Willia toss coins at the man " There." William said. as he takes the dress with him " let's go." William said. Amelia goes over to Willaim as she looks up at him with his brown doe eyes. the old man watches the two leave, as he picks up the phone. " She here. the witch. Hurry quick, she went east." The man said and hung up.

Amelia looks over at Willaim " You know, you don't have to be too harsh." Amelia said. Willaim looks at her. " I have to be." William said. Amelia stops Willaim in his tracks. " Willaim, he old." Amelia said. Willaim shakes his head" He don't care about you. That's what I'm trying to say." Willaim said. Amelia nods " You need to let go." Amelia said. Willaim shakes his Head. " What if i don't want to?" Willaim asks. Amelia felt her eyes soften a bit" Then, you don't." Amelia said. William felt that feeling again. He wanted to kiss her, he wanted to be near her. Willaim looks away real fast, as he saw a mod full up people with torch, and pitch forks. " Find the witch and kill her!" The mob yelled. Willaim sees this, and for the first time he felt a cold sweat. Amelia looks up at Willaim " Meet me at my cottage. I'll see you then." Amelia said, as she went to run off. Willaim grabs her arm, as he pulled out a dagger from the side of his waist. " Carry this...Just in case on Trys to hurt you." Willaim said. Amelia nods, as she smiles a bit" I'll see you." Amelia said, as she takes the knife from William. Amelia soon ran off; the two men saw her running. " There!" The man said, as they ran for her. William she the mob, as they were lost where the two men went. A man came up to Willaim" Where is the two men at?" the guy in his mid Fortys ask. " I believe they went left." Willaim said. The man gave him a grumble look and soon went left as the mob follows. William leans his head back as he hopes she make it out okay.

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