S01E02 Hot On Their Trail! Elite Guard Boomie Rang! (Part Two)

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Back at the carriage, the sun had almost set and it was starting to get cold. Scabs was shivering, as were Marianne and Ash. Kore remained unfazed however, the temperature not bothering him as much as it did the company around him. The blood was still flowing through the tube, and Kore was starting to feel tired. Marianne had asked him several times if he wanted to stop but he wouldn't, not until he had given enough blood to replenish Ash's veins.

"So," Kore piped up, trying to distract himself. "How do you know Ash?"

"He was given to me when he was about five," Marianne answered. "Been with me ever since."

"When you say given, who gave him to you?"

"Maximus Paige," Marianne said, as she clenched her fists. "I don't like that man. Sure, he gave me Ash but..."

"But what? Why do you continue to live here if you don't like him?"

"It's complicated."

"How?" Scabs butted in, having barely listened. "Were you like a devoted member of his cult or something?"

"No," Marianne shook her head. "It's my daughter. He was her husband before she passed. Haven't even met my own grandson. Not to mention, they won't let Ash leave this place. And I wouldn't leave here without either of them."

It was just as Kore had predicted. Although this may be a sanctuary for some, for others, like Ash and Marianne, it was a prison. He had an inkling as to why Maximus Paige was keeping Ash here, and if he was here, then the others Mother Nature told them about would be here too. Probably scattered apart. These caves Marianne had mentioned would be a good place to look. Kore glanced over at Ash, he was peaceful now, and had some color back in his face, no longer as pale and sickly looking as before.

Marianne took the syringe out of Ash's arm, then out of Kore's. Kore tried to stand but was too light-headed, and fell back down. His legs were too weak to keep him up, too much blood loss. Uh oh, he heard Scabs mutter. He assumed it was because of his inability to stand but was proven incorrect, as a giant boomerang came flying overhead. There was a man standing atop it, spinning with the boomerang, using it as some sort of flying device. The man leapt down, taking hold of the boomerang underneath his arm and landed about 10 feet away.

"Found you," he said, tipping his sombrero.

He spun around and threw the boomerang towards them, it was headed straight towards Marianne. Kore reached out and tried to stop it but he didn't have the strength, as he stumbled forward onto his knees. He thought that was it, the end of Marianne, the velocity of the boomerang would surely be enough to take her head off. He looked up, and thankfully that wasn't the case. Two arms extended out of Marianne's shoulders, holding the boomerang in place, inches away from Marianne's face. They weren't Marianne's arms. Kore glanced over at Scabs, his arms were gone, out of their sockets.

"Don't worry," Scabs told Kore. "I've got this one."

"I'm Boomie Rang," Boomie said, pulling his boomerang back with a wire attached to his wrist. "Elite guard of Maximus Paige. Hand over the boy and you will be spared."

"Fat chance. Ash is coming with us. Also, what kind of a name is Boomie Rang?"

"So be it. A fight it is then."

Scabs' arms reappeared in their sockets, just as the boomerang came flying back towards him. He swatted it to the left, away from Kore, Marianne, and Ash, and leapt forward, his leg disappearing and appearing out of the sand behind Boomie, kicking him in the calf muscle. Boomie dropped to one knee and Scabs came flying, sending a punch straight into Boomie's chin. Boomie stumbled as Scabs' leg reappeared, his feet once again touching the ground. Boomie was quick however, and rolled backwards onto his feet, yanking the wire attached to his wrist, his boomerang flinging back, straight into Scabs' spine.

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