S01E10 The Rise and Fall! What We Do For Loved Ones! (Part One)

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Ash's eyes widened, his pupils dilating as he stared down the beast in front of him. He couldn't believe his ears, the Hellhound was not just some savage beast hellbent on destruction... it was his friend, Rian, the one who looked after him before arriving in The Dome Sanctuary. He couldn't find the words, he just stared blankly. He couldn't even recognize him. The Rian he knew had kind eyes and a sincere smile but what stood before him was nothing but a monster. Then its face softened, sadness in its piercing red eyes.

"Rian?" Ash asked. "Is that really you?"

Ash felt tears roll down his cheeks. What had his friend become? He limped forward, his leg still in agony, and wrapped the creature in a tight hug, his arms far too short to make their way around Rian's neck. But this was a big mistake on Ash's part, as the Hellhound brought up its head and slammed its chin down, knocking Ash back into the sand. It then locked its teeth around Ash's legs and whipped him to the right, then to the left, then released him, sending him spiraling. He rolled against the dirt and tried to regain his footing but his legs were severely injured, he could barely stand.

The Hellhound came charging on all fours. As it neared, it readied its paw, its long vicious claws extending outwards. Ash couldn't move. This was it. He held up his arms in an attempt to block the attack but it would be no use. This would surely be it for him. He closed his eyes and waited but nothing happened. He looked up, and there stood Marianne in front of him with her arms out. This didn't stop the creature however, and it slashed its claws across Marianne's chest, cutting her wide open. She fell back into Ash's arms and stared up at him.

"Oh, my dear Ash," she said, reaching out and caressing his cheek.

"M-Marianne... W-why?" Ash's eyes began to swell up.

"Because you're my family,"

"Hang in there, Marianne! You'll pull through!"

She shook her head, her voice weak. "I'm sorry, Ash. This old broad isn't as tough as you want her to be. Do me a favor, find Mortimer. Tell him his granny loves him dearly. And the same goes to you."


Before Ash could even finish his sentence, Marianne stopped breathing, passing away in his arms. His body started shaking, he had just lost the most valuable person in his life. He carefully laid her down on the sand, his head down, tears dripping from his chin. He stood up with clenched fists, and slowly raised his head to meet the Hellhound's gaze. He lifted a finger, and shot a flaming bullet. This one didn't just singe the beast's fur like the last attempts but instead burnt a hole right into its skin. It whimpered in response.

"Rian or not..." Ash said. "You just killed Marianne... AND FOR THAT, YOU WILL PAY!"


Kore, with a hole in his head, fell to the ground in a crumpled heap. Mortimer couldn't believe his father dealt with him so easily. Maximus started walking off and ushered him to follow. Maximus began laughing hysterically, nobody to stop him now. Mortimer glanced back at Kore, and something was different. He was no longer curled up on the ground but instead standing, his back to them. Mortimer tugged on his father's sleeve and urged him to turn around. Maximus did and immediately tensed up once he saw that Kore was still alive.

"You've got some nerve getting up after an attack like that!"

Kore said nothing. Instead, he ripped off his shirt and slowly turned around before taking off his sunglasses and tossing them aside. Maximus fired multiple bullets but Kore didn't move, letting each one pierce his body. The attack didn't seem to faze him however, as he stood still as a statue. He raised his hands to his face and slowly started to claw at it, peeling off skin and revealing the bright red flesh underneath. His fingers traced down to his neck, where he continued to peel, all the way down his chest and abdomen to his arms. His mouth then opened wide and his teeth were replaced by sharp fangs.

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