S01E09 An Unexpected Find! The Story of Rian! (Part Two)

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Five Years Later

Okay, Meadow, Bolt. Remember what to do.

A five-year-old Meadow and Bolt stood in front of a stall with lots of canned goods, beans, spaghetti, tinned meats etc. There were dozens to choose from. Meadow looked around and started crying, calling out for her mommy. Bolt looked at her then followed suit, doing the same. The stall keeper left her stock unattended to check on them. She bent over, asking if they were okay but the children just kept whining, fake tears coming out of their eyes, asking where their mommy was.

Ash, Shade, that's where you come in.

Ash and Shade snuck in behind the stall keeper. Shade had a large potato sack in his hands and held it open as Ash loaded it with goods. The stall keeper almost turned around but Bolt, acting quickly, took her by the hand and kept crying. Ash filled the sack up to the brim and the two boys darted off. Meadow and Bolt stopped crying and wandered off, leaving the stall keeper bewildered, staring as the kids skipped away merrily.

The kids regrouped with Rian behind a nearby building and started unloading the goods into a shopping cart. They were all so proud of themselves, asking Rian if they did well. He told them they did exceptionally well as he opened a can of beans and started pouring it out into bowls. He gave them spoons, and handed a bowl of beans to each of them.

"Thank you, Rian!" They all shouted in unison, except Ash who looked at it in disgust.

"I'd prefer to eat those worms we found by the tree again," he said.

"Well Ash," Rian replied. "We're all out of those so eat your beans instead, okay?"

As they sat around eating their beans, Rian took turns looking at each of them. He loved each of them just as much as the last, he couldn't imagine life without them. He looked at how proud they all were with their stolen beans and couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt. What was he teaching them? That thievery was the only means of living? Sure, it was all Rian knew but there must have been some other way they could survive.

"My beans are cold," Meadow said, mixing her spoon around in her bowl.

"Here," Ash said. "I'll heat them up for you!"

Ash then stuck out his index finger and fired a bullet into Meadow's beans, and they started bubbling, heating up on the spot. That's when Rian had an idea. What if they could use their powers as a means to make money? No more thievery and instead busking for spare change, showing off their skills and making a buck. Maybe someone important would notice them and they could live a life of riches. Yes, it was perfect! Rian grinned to himself as the kids peered up at him.

"What is it, Rian?" Bolt asked.

"Yeah, why are you smiling?" Shade chimed in.

"Well kids," said Rian. "I just came up with a great idea!"


"Everyone step right up and witness The Miracle Babies!" Rian shouted.

A crowd gathered around the quintet, Rian standing proudly in front of the kids, who awkwardly stood behind him. He introduced the four kids to the crowd, claiming that each one had a special power that would blow them all away. First up was Ash, who shot a flurry of fire bullets up into the sky. The audience gasped in amazement. How can a child do that? Someone asked. Next up was Shade, who jumped into Ash's shadow and disappeared. Where did he go?! People shouted.

Third was Bolt, who rubbed his fingers together, the friction creating small sparks of static electricity. He then walked up to Ash and gave him an electric shock to the audience's amusement. Now it was Meadow's turn, who waved a stick at the ground. At first, nothing happened and people started to walk away. That was until a small flower peaked its way up through the ground and blossomed right before their very eyes. Onlookers started clapping, cheering for The Miracle Babies.

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