4. Defending the enemy

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When I woke up the next day in bed I couldn't help but smile. I had a good time yesterday with Draco. We spent three hours playing Wizard chess and talked, he almost won every round but that didn't really matter. Now if I can just befriend him, surely Pansy and her gang will leave me alone.

I got out of bed and walked to the common room. Freya, Delilah and Imogen was sitting on the couch and talked to each other. Freya lighted up when she saw me. "Glad you're back. We missed you yesterday." I smiled weakly back at them. If they missed me then why didn't they visit me?

We started walking towards The Great Hall to. "So, Malfoy's cauldron exploded? Do you think he did it on purpose?" Imogen wondered.

"Oh, no." I said.

"Why not?" Imogen said. "It sounds like something he would do."

"Why would he stick around when it exploded?" I asked.

"Because he loves attention of course." Imogen sneered. "Don't you remember how he whined after that Hippogriff attack last year. Like that little scratch would hurt for a whole week after it happened."

"But, that was a completely different thing." I said, feeling a bit annoyed. "He didn't do it on purpose."

"Pearl Montgomery, are you protecting Draco Malfoy?" Imogen stopped and stared at me.

I felt my face go slightly red. "No, but I think it was Ron Weasley who did it. He walked past our table. I think he put something in Malfoy's cauldron."

"You're so naive." Imogen sneered and started walking again. "I think you like Malfoy."

I was about to sneer something back when Freya interrupted: "Okay, okay, take it easy. We can think what we want about what happened yesterday. But something happened and I hope Snape gets to the bottom of it.

Imogen snorted angrily and continued to walk. I could hear her muttering: "Weasley, my ass..."

"Oh yeah Imogen? I think you might like Weasley then. You seem prepared to protect him at all cost." I refused to let Imogen win this because I was so tired of always take crap from everyone else. I would not let anyone stomp on me this year.

"That's enough Pearl." Freya said in an annoyed tone. I really wanted to argue back but felt a small sting that Freya took Imogen's side. We entered The Great Hall and sat down at the Slytherin table. The breakfast was already there and I reached for a piece of bread.

"Morning Montgomery." I turned my head and saw Draco looking at me. He was sitting with Crabbe and Goyle who looked as surprised as anyone could imagine.

Freya, Delilah and Imogen looked at Draco like he had just proposed to her. I didn't know what to say. I just looked back at Draco and felt like my tongue had got stuck. "Uh, hi." I said back quietly and wanted to hit myself in the head. Why now? He was talking to me, why did I have to freak out and be so awkward?

"Oh, so I was right, wasn't I?" Imogen grinned. "What did you guys actually do yesterday in the hospital wing?"

"Knock it off" I said.

"You can't even talk about him, admit it!

"What am I even supposed to admit?"I said. "There is nothing to say. He just said hi to me. Is it that strange?"

"Uh yeah. Why would he even greet you? He's never even spoken to us before. Except for when he insulted us back in our second year. Have you forgotten about that?" Imogen said.

"Okay then. We talked a little yesterday in the hospital wing and played a little chess. It wasn't like there was anything else to do. Happy now?"

"You? Played chess with him?" Imogen laughed. "I'm starting to think you were the one who put something in his cauldron just so you could spend a little more time with him."

"Imogen..." Freya said, trying to make it sound like Imogen has gone too far, but instead it sounded more like she didn't want Imogen to say that out loud.

I felt a rush of anger and got up and started to walk away. I felt the tear approaching. Damn Imogen. She can always pick on me whenever she wants. If she had her way, I would probably not even be allowed to hang out with them. I walked into a bathroom and felt the tears run down my cheeks. No, I can't cry now. Not anymore. I was stronger than this. I was much better than Imogen.


One day later it was time for potions again. I was even more nervous than last time. When I were chopping frog feet I trembled way to much. I could barely get them to the right size and I hesitated to put them into the cauldron.

I looked up and met Professor Snape's gaze. "Do you have a problem Montgomery?" Snape asked loudly.

"Yes professor." I said vaguely. "Can we have a word?" I nodded towards the door.

"In here is fine." Snape hissed. "Does this have anything to do with the... incident?"

My face turned red, once again. I didn't even know why. Most of the class had stopped working and was now staring at me. "Maybe, sir." I said.

"The incident in the classroom the other day or the one with your brother? Snape said.

"My brother, sir." I whispered.

Now everyone in the class had stopped working and was instead listening. Everything about my brother has always interesting for the others. He who was the best in the class at potions, how did things go so badly that he died?

"I see." Snape said. "It's time for you to let go of your fears. You already had an incident the other day and it wasn't that dangerous, was it?"

"I got burn marks, sir."

"I see." Snape stood up. "I'm curious though about what happened when Malfoy's cauldron exploded the other day. Do you have any ideas?"

I stared at Snape in horror. I did see Ron Weasley stand near Draco's cauldron. But I definitely didn't want to jump to any conclusions here in front of everyone in the class, especially when Weasley was sitting here. I turned my gaze to Draco instead. He met my gaze but I couldn't read him. So I took a deep breath.

"I don't know, sir."

"Obviously not. Mr. Malfoy is very skilled at this subject, I'd like to think it wasn't his fault. But you sat next to him during class. I'm just wondering..." Snape trailed off.

My whole body shook but I didn't dare to let go of Snape's gaze again. Snape looked at me in silence for a moment. "Since Mr. Malfoy cauldron caused you trouble and he's far ahead already, he should from now on assist you in Potions until you feel like you don't need to cause any more... trouble."

"Okay, sir." I whispered and looked at Draco. He had turned his head away and focused on making his potion again.

"Well then." Snape finally stopped looking at me and stared angrily at the class. "Did I ask you to stop working?"

The class immediately started to work again. I felt like I just wanted to sink into a puddle on the floor. Now everyone will believe that I made the cauldron explode. Thanks alot Snape.

"What are you waiting for, Montgomery?" Snape asked. "Grab your things and go to Mr. Malfoy."

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