10. Albus Dumbledore

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Robbie Williams - Feel


"Miss Montgomery. Will you tell me what happened?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

I looked up at Dumbledore. Hagrid remained in the doorway with is arms crossed.

"Yeah, tell him about how you started casting spells for no reason." Hagrid growled.

"Now now, Rubeus. I just want to hear Montgomery's point of view first. You can leave and we'll talk later." Dumbledore said and Hagrid turned and walked out.

I took a deep breath. "Yes it's true that I cast the first spell, sir." I said. "But the Weasley twins were teasing Malfoy about the incident yesterday, you know about it, right?"

"Ah, yes. I know very well what incident you are talking about." Dumbledore said. "And no, it was a big error in Alastor Moody's part to transform Malfoy into an animal, we forbid that kind of punishment here at Hogwarts and I hope you now very well that it was taken care of and he has apologized to Malfoy and it seems like he forgave him."

"I think I know very well what incident you are talking about." Says Dumbledore. "No, it was an error on Alastor Moody part to transform Draco, we forbid that kind of punishment here at Hogwarts. I hope you are well aware of that and that it was taken care of yesterday. He has apologized to Malfoy and it seems to be forgiven."

I felt confused. Draco had seemed anything but happy after the incident yesterday. He was very nervous during the class with Moody and had nervously fiddles with his hands.

"Okay, sir." I said. "I'm sorry I lost my temper today. I just thought Malfoy was treated unfairly."

"I see." Dumbledore said. "It's very easy to act before thinking, especially for people you care about. It's more common that you think here. But in the future, please try not to start anything when Malfoy and Potter are around. It could get quite messy." Dumbledore smiled gently.

"I promise sir." I said.

"Excellent. You are free to go Miss Montgomery." Dumbledore says nodding towards the door. I stood up and smiled a little awkwardly at him. I wondered how many times Freddy been here. Freddy always got into trouble, but probably not for casting spells. He told me that he had been sneaking around the castle many times and gotten into trouble with Filch.

I walked back towards the Slytherin common room. Today we didn't have any lessons, which was nice. But I knew we had to be in the Great Hall by 12pm to welcome the other two schools. When I entered the common room I immediately saw Draco sitting alone in one of the sofas.

"Hello." He grinned.

"Hi." I said and settled down on the sofa but left space between us. I wondered if this was my new life now, hanging out with Draco Malfoy.  Not that I minded, I had wished for a change after all. But it all went so fast.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"Fine, I just got a warning." I said, not daring to meet his gaze.

"Really?" Draco said surprised.

"Yeah, he said it was pretty common thing here." I felt my heart beating fast and put my hands in my lap so he wouldn't see that I was shaking. But I still suspected he could see me blushing. "He said Moody apologized to you."

"I guess he did."

"You guess?"

"Yeah, he did. But I haven't really forgiven him. I sent a letter to my father this morning, he knows many people in the Ministry. He wont let this pass."

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