9. An unusual breakfast

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Aerosmith - Dream On

Freya was the only one left in the bedroom when I woke up. She brushed her hair in front of the mirror. "Good morning" She smiled gently.

"Good morning Freya." I said back. "I'll just get ready and then I'll come."

"I'll wait for you." Freya said and I wondered if she was afraid I wouldn't sit with them.

After I got ready we walked towards the Great Hall together and made small talk about our upcoming classes and homework.

We stepped into the Great Hall, it was already crowded by students. But we spotted Delilah and Imogen and settled down there.

"Morning sleepyheads." Imogen teased. She seemed happier today.

"Hey, we only slept half an hour longer than you guys." Freya said and leaned over the table to grab some bread and butter.

"Yeah, but we probably got more hours that Pearl, who snuck out in the middle of the night." Delilah smiled.

"I was just out for 30." I said and felt relieved that everyone was in a better mood today. "Anyway, which day is the next class of History of Magic? I still need to finish my..."

"Good morning girls." I froze in silence when Pansy interrupted and settled down next to Imogen, right with her was Daphne and Millicent who also sat down next to us. "Did you know the other schools are coming today? Exciting huh?"

Pansy talked to us as if she was our friends, I exchanged glances with my friends and they looked equally confused, was this a trap? Would she taunt us if we responded?

"Why y'all so quit?" Pansy smiled. "Were you in the middle of talking about secrets?"

"Not really." I mumbled.

"Great." Pansy said. "Anyway, I think it's very exciting. However, there won't be anyone our age coming here, only the students in year seven."

"Why's that?" Daphne asked.

"Ugh, because it's age restricted, so what's the point of them coming here?" Pansy sneered.

"I dunno." Daphne mumbled.

"Oh, Imogen! Your brother? Is he still with Bea?" Pansy said and I noticed that she used her first name.

"How did you know about that?" Imogen sneered.

"Who doesn't know about that?" Pansy smiled. "Come on, why are you guys so quiet? Did something happen?"

"It's just... that you... we don't usually talk." I stuttered and immediately regretted that I said that. Now she would definitely taunt me.

Pansy laughed, but a rather kind laugh for once. "I know we may not have talked much before but I thought maybe now was the time."

"Because?" Imogen asked with a slightly irritated voice.

"Because I'm getting so tired that we just picking on each other all the time." Pansy said and sipped on her pumpkin juice.

I had to bite my lip to stop myself from saying that it was Pansy who always picked on us.

"I get that it's all sudden." Pansy said. "But I just wanted to say that I'm sorry."

I met Freya's gaze. Either Pansy was fooling us or she's just gone crazy. Something's not right.

"It's okay. You don't have to forgive me right away. But I figured it's a star anyway." Pansy smiled softly at me and I smiled stiffly back.

"Oh hey Draco!" Pansy shouted and waved and I could feel a firework explode in my chest, okay so it's not gone. I didn't even dare to turn around and look at him.

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