3. In the Hospital Wing

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When I opened my eyes again it took a few seconds to realize where I was. I was in the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts. I looked around and saw Draco laying in the bed next to me, beside his bed was Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. They looked worried and didn't even give me a glance.

At first I couldn't remember what had happened. But then it came back. Draco had put too much of an ingredient in his cauldron and it had exploded in their faces. I looked around in confusion and found a mirror on the table next to my bed. I gasped for air when I saw my face. It was filled with burn marks and my hair was all messed up. It reminded me of how I looked after the accident with Freddy and I let out a small sound when the memory hit me.

"Nice face, Montgomery." I looked to left and saw Pansy giving me an amused look so I quickly looked away again and realized that I once again had given Pansy the satisfaction of humiliate me. I lie down and turn my back to the others. The pain was burning in my left arm and on my face. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but I couldn't because the pain was unbearable. I wondered why my friends wasn't here. At least why Freya wasn't here. I doubted that they even would care enough.

"Parkinson, Crabbe and Goyle. You have been in here far too long now. It's time to leave." Madame Pompfrey said in a serious voice and they got up, said goodbye to Draco and left. She walked over to me and looked at my face. 

"Good you're awake." And then took out a bottle and dripped some liquid on a cloth. "This might sting a little." She said and carefully started to apply it to my face. I whimpered when I felt the pain.

"That's better. Now you leave it on your face for three hours. Then I'll be back." She walked towards Draco and slowly applied it to his face. He lied completely still with a neutral face. It's not possible to read whether he felt pain or not. "And then you also leave it on your face for three hours. I'll come back then and help you guys out. I'll be outside if there's anything you need." and with that Pompfrey stood up and walked towards the doors and disappeared.

I was laying still and stared up at the ceiling. I was getting nervous being in the same room as Draco. I had no idea how much he remembered. I could hear him stir around in the bed next to me. "Three hours." He groaned.

"Probably for maximum effect. Do you wanna go to school and look like this?" I said.

"No one asked for your opinion." Draco sneered.

"Well now you're getting mine since there is no one else around." I sneered back. "Do you even remember what happened?"

"I have no reason to speak to you." Draco sneered.

"So why do you?"

He gave me a deadly stare and then laid down in his bed again.

I bit myself in my mouth. I didn't want to be on his bad side anymore, but I was so done with him being angry with me, I never did anything to him. So before I had time to stop myself I said: "At least you can apologize."

"For what?"

"For getting the cauldron to explode in my face."

"It wasn't my fault." Draco sneered and I turned around and looked at him again. "I know I measured everything correctly. There must have been something else."

"It's okay to make mistakes." I said and Draco turns his head back to me so I frowned.

"I don't do mistakes." He sneered. "I'm the best at the Potions class. Undoubtedly. I know what I'm doing. Someone sabotaged me."

"Weasley." It suddenly remember seeing him stand at our table when we were getting our ingredients. "I saw him stand at our table just as we were getting ingredients. He was actually very close to your cauldron."

Draco's eyes narrowed. "Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure he passed by there. He probably thought it was unfair that Potter got detention and not you."

Draco slowly nodded. "That makes sense. Oh, that Weasley." He sneered. "He runs around kissing Potter's shoes just because they're best friends."

And I realized, if I ever get a chance to change. If I was looking for a way to be popular, or at least not unpopular. This could be now. If I just chose my words and maybe tried to agree with Draco, just maybe he would at least leave me alone for the rest of the years and if he leaves me alone maybe Pansy would too. I tried to think of something good to say and remembered that I saw Weasley and his family at the train station.

"His family is pretty poor huh?" I asked.

"No kidding" Draco sneered. "Have you seen their clothes? It looks like they've been used for generations and did you read that article in the Daily Prophet this morning? It was a picture of his parents and their house, if you can even call it a house. It looked like it was going to collapse any second."

"Really?" I let out a giggle.

"Wait!" He stood up and walked over to a shelf and picked up The Daily Prophet. He then stood next to my bed and looked at the paper.

"Look." He held up a page in front of me. "How can you even live like that?" I looked at the picture and laughed. The house really looked like it would collapse at any second.

"What a dumpster." I said and Draco grinned.

"And have you seen his mother? No wonder she's so fat if she's pumped out so that many babies in her life."

"Yes indeed." I laughed but immediately felt guilty. Mrs Weasley looked very nice on the picture. Draco looked at the picture for a couple of seconds and then walked back to his bed.

I looked around in the room. How could I keep getting his attention? Now that he actually grinned after I said something. "Is there anything to do here? Any games or something?"

"What, do you want to play games with me?" Draco said and I couldn't read his face.

"Sure." I said and tried to not show that I was getting nervous.

"Okay, but only if we play Wizard chess. And don't tell anyone we are doing this together or I might need to switch school.

The comment was so absurd that I laughed which made Draco look surprised. He was probably used to me breaking down after every single comment someone made. But like I said, I wanted to change and some how this comment seemed more funny than rude.

"Sure, but I don't know the rules." I said.

"I'll teach you." Draco got out of bed and pulled Wizard chess from a shelf. He knew exactly where it was and I suspected that he had spent time here before. Draco got up on my bed and sat down in front of me with his legs crossed. I straightened up a little and tried to fix my hair. I could clearly see Dracos burn marks in his face which made me less self conscious. 

"It's pretty easy, actually. I'm white and you're brown. We'll take it step by step. I'll start en then I explain to you what you can do and show you some tricks."

And that was that. He started to teach me and even though I usually had a hard time  learning there was something about the way he explained that made me learn quickly. Then we started to play it. I took the opportunity to look at Dracos face when he was thinking about his moves. I had never seen him so close before. He has a very small birthmark on one of his cheeks and his platinum blonde hair hangs slightly in front of his eyes. And then I noticed that his eyes were not only grey but also had a slight hint of blue in them. He probably felt me starring because he looked up at me and met my gaze. But to my surprise he actually smiled slightly and I felt my heart skip a beat and I quickly looked down.

I felt my face turn slightly red. Why did he smile? Why did my heart skip a beat? And why did I even stare at his face in the first place? I tried to focus on the game and his words but when I glanced up at him again I didn't get the same feeling. Good. There is no way that I can feel like that around Draco Malfoy. Nervous sure. But nothing more. I must had imagined it or maybe it was something with the cream on my face. It can't be anything else. Never.


Hello again! What do you think so far? I'll love your opinions on this story. I'm very excited to share it. I have most of it planned out already and think it's going to be kinda long!
Have a nice day! x

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