Chapter 3

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I watch as Jack and Trevor both give each other un-happy looks. "Ok guys, let's go." I walk over to the ladder when I get pulled by the arm, "not so fast, you need a life vest." Quinn says with his arms crossed. "I can swim Quinn, I've learned." I say, crossing my arms back at him. A big splash gets me wet and I turn around to see Trevor pushed Jack in. "What the fuck man!" Jack yells floating in the water. Just then, Trevor jumps in and after Trevor is Luke, and after Luke is Greyson. They look like they're all having fun so I just decide to stay on the boat. 

"What's wrong, Jenna?" Quinn says as he walks over to me and sits down. "I'm not in the mood anymore, that's all" "Is it because I wanted you to put a life jacket on?" I sigh, partially because I wish he would let it go, and also because it is. "well, yeah. I mean I'm not 12 anymore I don't need a life jacket." Quinn scratches his head and looks down. "Jenna, I know you're not 12 anymore, I was just looking out for you. You're basically my sister." "oh yeah? then where were you when mom and dad died? you were too busy with your hockey game right? or what about my sweet 16, no one came to that! or what about any of my figure skating shows?" I stand up annoyed, not at Quinn, but at the situation.

"I-" but just as Quinn was about to say something, Jack gets on the boat. "Hey, is everything ok?" I nod and walk over to the edge to watch Greyson. "Grey, your lips are turning blue, you should get out." "I don't need a babysitter, thanks though." I sigh and sit back down. "Guys, get on the boat, we're heading back." Jack yells. He sits down next to me and hugs me. "Ew, stop you're wet." I push him off me and he laughs, but I didn't find it amusing. 

"Jen, what's wrong?" he asks. "nothing, can you just stop?" I ask, being a little more sassy then I hoped. He nods and walks away. Everyone gets on the boat and Quinn starts the drive home. I didn't mean to be so rude to Quinn, but what I said was true. None of them came to any of my events, or any of Greyson's. I came to all their first NHL games, I came to the draft pick for all of them! And they couldn't come to any of my figure skating competitions, or even my parents funeral? I had to let it go, it was only the first day.

We arrive home and I run upstairs to shower. I walk into my room and get in a towel, just then Quinn comes in. "ah! Quinn, knock!" he puts his hand over his eyes, "sorry, sorry." "what do you want?" I ask "I wanted to apologize-" "save it." I cut him off and close the door. 

After I'm done showering, I get into shorts and a crop top and head downstairs. 

Jacks POV

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Jacks POV

I watch Jennas door open and admire her while she walks down the stairs, wow, she looks so good right now. I can't believe the glow up she had, it's kinda scary. "Hey, what are you guys watching." I watch her eyes widen as she notices we're watching one of her figure skating competitions. "no, stop turn it off." she's looking all around for the remote but can't find it. "hey, what's wrong Jen?" Quinn asks. "this is a bad competition! you just, you can't!" she screams and Cole and Alex walk in now to see what happens. "Oh! and she falls and misses the landing, oh no...go check on her" I hear the announcer say.

Now Jenna has stopped looking for the remote and stands there in defeat. "Jenna..." Quinn says as we watch her on the screen. "It looks like Jenna Bailey hit her head, she remains unconscious." everyone looks over to her and back at the screen, but my eyes stay locked on hers. I notice a tear fall from her eye and I stand up and wipe it. "Jenna, it's ok, it's ok. Calm down" but she doesn't answer. I pull her into a hug, but she doesn't lean into it. 

Quinn turns off the TV and looks over at Jenna "why didn't you tell us Jenna, that was 3 months ago." I let Jenna out of the hug and sit back down. "what were you guys gonna do? fly all the way to California just to see me? I wouldn't put it past you guys." "We would've come Jenna." Luke says. "You never came for anything! nothing, you were there for what? my 12th birthday, and that's it. I posted about the fall and all 3 of you viewed it." Now I remember everything, I remember going to text her but I stopped, why, I don't know. 

Jenna walks into the kitchen an Greyson follows behind her.

Jennas POV

"Jen, I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad at them." Greyson says as I sit down. "I'm not Grey." He nods and walks out of the room as Alex and Cole walk back in. "Do you still skate after that?" Cole asks,  I lift my head and look at the 2 boys. "Uh, yeah. I do" "Ok cool, we're all going to the rink tomorrow in the morning if you wanna come." "Yeah, sounds cool." I smile and walk out of the kitchen.

As I'm walking up the stairs I feel someone pull on my arm, it's Jack. "Jenna, please don't be mad." Jack says, he looks sad. "I'm not, don't worry about it. Just then, Luke and Quinn follow behind. "You should've texted Jenna, I would've came." Quinn says. "It's fine, I'm better now." "we're really sorry we didn't come to anything, we will from now on." Luke says. "look guys, I'm not asking you to miss your fancy NHL games for me, but you could've at least came to the funeral." I sigh, thinking about how I was so sad that day that they didn't come.

"we're so sorry." Jack says. "again, don't worry. It's fine." they all give me a half smile and I make my way back upstairs. I open the door and see Trevor sitting on my bed. "Hello to you too." he turns around, "oh! just who I was waiting for." I laugh and sit down next to him. "Can I help you?" "yes actually, I'm bored, and all those losers downstairs are even more boring" I smile, thinking about how Trevor came to me. "Ok, well what do you wanna do?" "this" he stands up and pushes me on the bed and starts kissing me, but I can't help but kiss back.

After 20 minutes of just full on making out, he stops and gets up. "where are you going." as he heads for the door, he turns around and smiles. "to go dream about you." and then he just leaves.

AN- omg what, Trevor making a move first? I have everything planned out and I will try to make more chapters today!! thank you for 22 reads <33 and sorry it's short!! the chapters will get longer.


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