Chapter 14

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I run into the backseat and pull Cole in the backseat with me. Quinn gets in the driver's seat and Jack gets in after Quinn. The drive home is 5 minutes, but it felt like 5 hours. The silence was loud and awkward. Once we pull up, I push the door open and rush inside. Once I get inside, I look at the couch and make eye contact with Trevor, I don't hold it for very long and run upstairs pulling Cole along with me.

I slam the door shut once Cole enters and sit down on my bed. "Jenna, what the fuck." He says and shakes his head. I sit up and lean against my pillows. "I wanna go to Gia's but you can't tell anyone." "Jenna, we have to talk about what happened." "what happened is I go to cold and someone overreacted and called an ambulance, nothing deep." Cole sighs and sits down. "Jenna-" "Cole, there's nothing to talk about. I told you everything in the hospital room." he nods and helps me pick my outfit.

Once I choose my outfit I open my door and walk downstairs with Cole. "remember don't tell anyone, just say I'm in my room." I whisper to Cole. He once again asks why, but I give him the same answer. 

(the fit!!)

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(the fit!!)

I grab my dunkin coffee from this morning and put my shoes on. I go to open the backdoor and Jack walks in. Cole was in the living room, so I had no one to help me get out of talking with Jack. "hey can we talk?" he asks, trying to get closer to me. The truth was out, he now knows the obsession I've had for these past years. "no" "no?" "yeah no" I say and back up. "Jenna please" I walk away, and he grabs my arm as I'm walking away. I yank my arm back and scream no. "Jack stop trying to fix things!" I yell and he seems shocked. "Jenna I.." I tilt my head waiting for an answer, but instead he walks away.

This is my chance to leave. I slowly walk to the backdoor and give a thumbs to Cole, he gives me a half smile and waves me off. I run out and text Gia to come get me. Minutes later, and Gia is finally here. I run to the car and get in. "hey! it's been so long" she says and wraps her arms around me. "2 days gia. 2 days." I say and point my finger up. She rolls her eyes and start driving. "so you said you have drama?" she says and drags out the A at the end. I fill her in on EVERYTHING. "wait so Jack said ew to you?" "yeah" "what a bitch move" she says and scoffs, annoyed at Jack. "100% agree, but I don't wanna talk about it anymore! let's party" she smiles and puts her arm around me. "I throw the best parties." 

3 hours later and we're both in our outfits for the party, now we just have to do our hair and makeup. "do you wanna invite Jack?" "uh why?" "we can make him jealous, I can tell my brother to kiss all over you and shit when he sees you." I stopped curling my hair to think, that was a good idea but I'm trying to avoid Jack at all costs. "good idea, but I came here so I didn't have to see him. 

"Ok, I'll invite him and if you want him to leave I'll get my brothers friends to escort him out" I laugh and nod my head to finish my hair. An hour later and we're both done. By now it's 6pm and everyone's starting to fill up the place. Gianna's house was huge so I knew I could avoid Jack if I wanted to. I walk downstairs to greet people with Gia. I look out the window occasionally to see if Jack is there. The 5th time I look I see the whole group. I see Greyson too. I dash to the kitchen to find Gianna's brother. When I finally locate him, I give him a look and he know what to do.

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