Chapter 15

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we all get in the car including Gia. I head to the back seat with Jack and some people take a separate car. I turn to Jack and see he's already staring at me. "I didn't know you felt that way Jack, why didn't you tell me." I said trying to resume our conversation.

"I was scared Jenna, I knew it wouldn't work out" I sigh and grab his hand. "I'm sorry I didn't let you talk, and I'm sorry for being stubborn." "don't be sorry Jen" he say's and I put my head on his shoulder. Once we get home I walk upstairs and get changed into nike pros and a nike black hoodie. 

As I walk down the stairs I catch Jack staring and he quickly turns away. I walk into the kitchen and open the closet door to get some chips. I open the door and see Gia and Cole making out. I scream and close the closet. Quinn, Luke, and Jack all run in at once.

"what's wrong?" Quinn asks with a concerned look on his face. Just then, the closet door swings open, and Cole walks out with swollen lips and Gia follows behind. "what the fuck" Luke says. "why in the closet?" Jack asks. "wait aren't you dating Quinny?" Luke asks. "we decided to just be friends" Gianna say's with an awkward smile. 

"yup" Quinn says and looks down at his feet. I notice the sad expression that's taken over his face and I can't help but feel bad. I watch him walk out to the patio and lean against the railing. I quickly make my way to the door when I feel someone tug my arm. I turn around and see Jack. I smile and ask what's up. "don't, he just needs to be alone." "Jack, he needs someone to talk to" "Jenna, he can deal with a heart break on his own" "I wouldn't wanna be alone" he sighs and let's go of my hand. 

Quinn walks in and grabs his keys. "Quinn, where are you going?" I say coming up to him. "to the store, we're out of beers." "why do we need beers?" "cus I wanna throw a hot tub party" "a what?" I asked confused "cus why not" "it's 11pm quinn" "whatever" I watch him walk out the door and go to sit on the couch. Jack sits next to me and puts his arm around me. "oh?" I say and raise my eyebrow. He grins and looks at the TV. Cole and Gia walk in and sit down on the couch awkwardly.

"so, what's the deal with you 2?" Jack says and pulls me closer. "I could ask the same question." Cole snaps back. I give Gia a look and she shrugs. "but where's Quinn?" Gianna asks and looks down at her feet. "he went rouge on a beer run." I say and Jack snaps his head at me. "what?" "hm?" "why didn't you tell me" "I don't know, didn't seem important. He said he's gonna throw a hot tub party." Jack sighs and leans on me. I lean back and close my eyes, I could stay like this forever. 

"you guys are so cute" Cole says and pulls Gia closer. Just then, Trevor and Alex walk in from the basement. "it's movie night guys get up!" Alex screams and pulls us all up. Trevor stands in the corner with his head down. I turn back to Jack and surprised to see he's already looking at me. His smile is so pretty, and his eyes are so pretty. I can't help but think if we have kids what they would look like. WHOA, no I can't think about that. 

I shoot up and walk downstairs. Jack grabs me and throws me onto the couch. "Jack stop!" I say as he pounces on me. Luke joins and now I'm basically getting jumped. "I'm h-homeeeeeee" Quinn says, obviously drunk. Everyone's seated by now and Alex puts on scream 1. "oh fuck no" I say and stand up. "booo" Alex yells. Jack pulls me down into his arm. "what's wrong baby?" I turn pale as a ghost, and I look like I just saw one too.

"what?" "baby?" he says and smirks. I ignore the nickname he's given me and explain. "when I was younger Greyson dressed up as ghost face and traumatized me, I also hate gore. I snap my head to the screen when I hear a scream and a very dead guy sitting on a chair. I cover my eyes and Jack tightens his grip on me. "I'll keep you" he says and smirks at the end of the sentence. I look him up and down and stand up.

"I'll be back" I say and walk upstairs to the bathroom. I sit and wait for Jack. What I was about to do was totally crazy, but I couldn't resist him. I hear him running up the stairs and he runs into the bathroom and slams the door behind him. (I'm not writing this help just imagine what they do next) I slide down the wall and sit down to sit next to Jack. "wow" he says panting. I laugh and get my clothes back on. "I can't believe you wanted to do it." he says and puts his clothes on too. "what do you mean by that?" "well, I always saw you as so...well innocent." I laugh and throw my head back. "that's funny"

I put my hair in a bun and walk to the kitchen. I sit down on the counter and drink some water. Jack comes up to me and kisses the top of my head. "that was nice" I say and giggle. "we should talk I say" I tap the seat next to me as a signal to sit down. As he sits, he gets a puzzled look on his face. "what are we Jack?" I say and he sighs. "I don't know. We should take things not slow, but not fast. Whatever just happened was a one time thing until we figure out what we are." 

"smart Jack, I like it." Just then, Luke comes speeding upstairs. "what the actual fuck guys." Luke screams. "what?" "we had to turn the volume up to 80 to be able to hear them movie over your loud moaning." I feel my self turn red and put my head in my hands. "you guys are disgusting." he says and walks back downstairs. I laugh and hug Jack. 

This was nice, I could get used to this. Just then, Jack says "I could get used to this" "me too"


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