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What.. What happened?


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You and Geto were called in the mortuary by your juniors— it was an emergency.

"What.. what happened?" You asked, looking at the dead body.

"It was supposed to be an easy mission to exterminate a Second Grade cursed spirit!" Nanami growled, "Goddamn it!"

He threw a chair across the room in rage, "Their faith in Ubusunagami... That was a local deity. That was.. a First Grade case!"

Your eyes were glued on the dead body that was on the surface.

Geto closed his eyes and sighed, "..You need to rest for now, Nanami. Satoru has taken over your mission."

He placed a cloth over Haibara, his blood seeping through it immediately.

"Can't we just leave everything to him alone at this point?" Nanami asked.

    Geto didn't respond and simply stared at Haibara's dead body, lost in thought.

"..Suguru." You pat his back gently, making him turn around from the body.

"I.. should have come along. I'm sorry, Nanami," you apologized, looking at him.

"No, Y/N-san, it didn't involve you at all," he sighed, "The only thing he cared about in that fight.. was giving you back this."

He removed the small damp towel on his eyes and searched in his pocket to hand you back your black card, wrapped in a white cloth that was stained with dried blood. You hesitantly took it back and thanked him.

"I'll get going now," Nanami said and got up from his seat, "..Please take care."

"You too," you said, looking down as he exit the mortuary. "Suguru, you have a mission, right? Do you want me to come?"

"No, it's fine, Y/N," he smiled, though you could tell it was forced, "It should be easy. I'll be back really soon, so don't even worry."

"Right.." you mumbled, "Just, be careful, okay?"

"Of course." He pat your back. "I'll get going now."

You nodded, accompanying him outside until he got in a ride and drove off, waving at you. You sighed and waved back, worrying slightly for him. You knew that after the whole conversation with Yuki, he would have started thinking about it more. You turned around and walked back into the school.

"Y/N!" Gojo ran up to you, pulling you in a side hug, "Why so gloomy? Oh, where's Suguru?"

"Suguru went to go on a mission." You hugged him back. "How was yours? You came back really quickly."

"Pfft, mine was easy," he scoffed with a smug smile, "Cheer up, Y/N! What, you worrying for Suguru? One of the strongest sorcerers, along with us?"

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 // 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now