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When you die, you die alone.


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Megumi was knocked down effortlessly by Gojo after a failed attempt at striking him with his fist. He hit the ground with a grunt, getting back up slowly with a scowl— angry that he couldn't even touch him by the slightest.

"Okay, I win again." Gojo announced nonchalantly.

"This is unusual," you pointed out. "You rarely ask us to train you."

"Right!" Gojo grinned. "Are you in a rush after Yuji surpassed you?"

"Well, beggars can't be choosers." Megumi admitted.

"Relying on us bothers you that much?" Gojo echoed, offended.

"I don't think you're second to Yuji when it comes to ability and potential. The problem is just your mindset." Gojo explained.

"Megumi, you don't know how to bring out your best, do you?" He then asked.

Megumi's facial expression shifted into one of disbelief and anger. "...Huh?"

"Are you saying that I'm not trying my best?" Megumi asked.

"He's not quite exactly saying that," you interrupted, "He's saying you don't know how."

"You're doing great as is," you uncrossed your arms and stared intently at him, "But you'd do better if you actually gave it your all. With effort."

"For example," you snapped your fingers in thought, "Take a look at the baseball game from the other day. Why did you go for a sacrifice blunt?"

You tilted your head slightly as he pursed his lips. "Did you want Nobara to advance the bases, even if it meant you'd be out?"

Gojo chimed in. "Well, good for you. But people like me and Yuji always swing for the fences. Don't get me wrong— a bunt isn't bad. After all, baseball is a team sport, and everyone has their own role to play. But Jujutsu sorcery itself is an individual sport."

"..Is it not important to coordinate with other sorcerers?" Megumi asked.

"I guess so." You approached Megumi and crouched to get on his level. "But no matter how many allies you may have around you,"

Suddenly, your aura changed drastically, your eyes narrowing as you became much more serious and intimidating.

"When you die, you die alone."

Megumi's eyes widened slightly, backing up by the slightest.

You took a short second to analyse him.. "You're just underestimating yourself and the others. You're not envisioning a stronger version of yourself. Perhaps because of that ace up your sleeve? You think that in the worst case you can resolve everything at the cost of your life. At that point, forget about me and Satoru. You won't even measure up to Nanami."

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 // 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now