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So? Where's that idiot?


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Gojo told you to go ahead without him, so you were able to make it in time. You walked up the stairs to meet up with your students, alongside Utahime. You heard commotion going on, so you gently clapped your hands twice to shut them up— which worked.

"Alright everyone, please don't fight amongst each other," you asked politely.

"Right," Utahime agreed. "My goodness, these children."

"Oh, Y/N-sensei!" Nobara beamed.

"Hello." Megumi gave you a short yet polite bow, Panda and Maki doing the same.

You smiled at them, then turned to the Kyoto School students to give them a small bow. They all did the same, respecting your authority.

"So? Where's that idiot?" Utahime asked, referring to Gojo.

"Satoru is late, unfortunately," you replied, sweat-dropping at what he could possibly be doing.

Maki rolled her eyes. "As if that idiot would ever show up on time."

"She didn't even mention his name," Megumi remarked.

You could hear a rolling cart approach you, earning all of your attention. You turned around and saw Gojo jogging towards you all with some sort of cart, with a few.. pink dolls on it.

Utahime clicked her tongue and scowled at the mere sight of him, while the blue-haired girl, Miwa, had glittering eyes and an expectant expression.

Two completely different reactions, you thought.

"I see everyone's here!" He grinned, "I was actually on a business trip overseas with Y/N. We've got souvenirs for everyone!"

"..Huh?" You muttered silently. "Wait— Souvenirs?"

"This is sudden," Panda pointed out.

"If Y/N-sensei came along, then I'll trust it," Nobara sighed.

He handed everyone from the Kyoto School the pink dolls. "Alright, everyone from Kyoto gets a tribal charm—"

But then he stopped in front of Utahime. "None for Utahime, though."

"I don't need one!" She yelled in a fit of rage.

"And! For everyone of Tokyo," He did a few spins and what seemed to be gymnastics around the cart before pointing at it, "We have this!"

He nudged you so that you'd seem more excited about it. You stared at him before sighing and doing the same as him— a few spins before pointing at the cart.

"Overly excited adults are creepy." Nobara deadpanned.

"Y/N-sensei looks like she's being held on gunpoint." Megumi deadpanned in his turn.

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 // 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now