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Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru, or does being the strongest make you Gojo Satoru?


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You ran behind Gojo, trying to catch up to him amidst the vast crowd. He spotted you trying to catch up to him, so he quickly ran back and grabbed your arm gently to help you catch up.

"Explain yourself, Suguru," Gojo said once he was in Geto's hearing range.

Geto stopped in his tracks, "You already heard from Shoko and probably Yaga-sensei, right? That's all there is to it."

"So you're just going to kill everyone who isn't a sorcerer?" You asked, "Even your parents? Suguru, please think this through."

"I can't allow my parents to be a special exception," Geto replied, "Besides, those people aren't even my family anymore."

"Suguru, please think this through," you pleaded, "We aren't allowed to kill when there's no point in it."

"There is a point to it. Significance, too. Even a great cause," Geto replied.

"There is not! You're going to kill all non-sorcerers and create a world of only Jujutsu sorcerers?! Stop bullshitting! You know that's impossible!" Gojo shouted, "There's no point in chipping away bit by bit at something you can't possibly do!"

"How arrogant," Geto muttered.

"Huh?!" Gojo balled his fists, gripping on your arm tighter.

"You could do it, couldn't you, Satoru?" Geto hummed, "Yet you would try to convince someone else that it's impossible to do something that's possible for you?"

He turned around, finally looking at the both of you, "Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru? Or does being the strongest make you Gojo Satoru?"

"What are you getting at?" Gojo's eyes widened with rage and confusion.

"If I were able to become you, this foolish ideal would become a lot more grounded and real, don't you think?"

He looked at you and smiled, making your breath hitch, "Take care of each other. I've decided how to live my life, so now it's just a matter of doing the best I can to achieve that.

He then turned around and walked away, making Gojo immediately put on a stance to potentially attack him with a cursed technique, but you gently lowered his arms, making him relax his body slightly.

"If you want to kill me, then do it," Geto said, "At least there would be a meaning to that."

He grunted and balled his fists, looking down, "...Let's go, Y/N."

You nodded, following him as you were both headed towards Jujutsu High again. You noticed how hard he was balling his fists, so you decided to place your hand on his. He stopped in his tracks and looked at you in shock, his hand relaxing immediately.

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 // 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now