chapter one

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There we go again, another contract from Chris, another incoming failure? I was tired of losing, but really, I promised myself it would've been the last one. After Heather broke up with me I can't help but to think about her everyday, she just disappeared, where did she go? Didn't we promise to change for each other? It didn't matter anymore, I needed a new start.
I packed my stuff, get to the location described on the paper sheets and get on the boat. As I arrived I recognised the old Wawanakwa; I swear I was starting to hate it more and more.
Chris was standing on the bridge with his annoying yet perfect smile talking to the camera: "Hello dudes! And welcome again to Total drama Island! All boys edition! New entries! More money- I mean experiences!" He paused to clear his throat before starting to call everyone's name: "Say hello again to our beloved Alejandro Burromuerto! One of the best manipulators this show has ever seen!" I jump off the boat and greet the camera with my usual and sexy, if I might add, wink. " Then here we have one of the new entries..." Chris kept talking, I didn't speak I was just faking a smile as I zoned out. After calling some new faces and old faces, I greet everybody trying to be the friendliest and yet fakest I could've been but dios mio Shawn looked pathetic, Bowie looked like the gayest man I've ever seen and.. Tyler? Tyler looks? Different? No no, he's the same, I think I'm tired from the boat trip.
"Well guys! Now we're ready to get started. I already arranged the teams, one will be called "The zesty Eagles" and so: Bowie, Raj A, Noah, Cody, Alejandro, Tyler and Justin ." He paused dramatically
" the other team will be called " The fruity Robins " Owen, Shawn, Geoff, Scott, DJ, Dave and Trent. "He lastly said walking up the small wood bridge "Well jeez Chris why are the team names so gay? " Noah scoffed with a weird hand gesture. " I don't know what you're talking about, let me show you your cabins, this time they're both decent and there's no cottage or stuff like that."
I swear Chris was getting on my nerves too.
" It's been a while! I hope the food will be even more delicious!" Owen laughed as he licked his lips. "„Disgusting" I thought as I followed Chris to the cabin.
It really looked better, the beds didn't stink they looked just like cheap hotel beds, the bathrooms were this time connected to the cabins and were decently clean.
The confessional was just next to our cabin.
"Alright dudes it's getting late, good night! The next challenge will begin soon enough. " Chris lastly said before closing the door shut. I unpacked my stuff, and wondered why Chris didn't check our luggage, even better though, I didn't complain.

"Oh man this cabin looks sick!" I screamed excitedly as I got the top of one of the bunk beds right on top of Alejandro's. I let out a satisfied sigh, but no matter how relaxed I was, I just couldn't not stop  thinking about Lindsay, she forgot about me. Again. This time it was worse, she immediately got with another guy, no matter how many photos or proof I showed to her. I shook my head as suddenly the new guy "Bowie" said: "Well this is my first time and I'll have to say it, wowie! This does look good. "
I look at Justin, the stunning super model that I saw way back in season one, he looked less handsome and more tired" Hey my dude! How are you bro? Long time no see! " he looked at me, clearly annoyed " I got fired and I needed the money. Shit, shut up Tyler. " I look at him in shock, what did I say that made him this angry?
"Amigo, maybe you should calm down, Tyler was just asking a question. " Alejandro said calmly lying in his own bed right under mine. Justin rolled his eyes and locked himself in the bathroom.
" I don't really remember watching season 2 or 1 but why is he acting like that? " the other new guy Raj A said puzzled. No one answered his question everyone was minding their own business at this point. Chris didn't take any of our belongings so some of us were reading, some using our phones and blah blah blah.
" oh shoot I forgot to bring my phone, how am I going to message Gwen? " Cody sighed as he searched into his bag. " oh so you two are a thing now?" Noah raised his eye brow as he kept reading. "Yeah! I mean not really, at least not yet!!! She said that we were only friends only 5 times, I think I still can still give it a try." Cody explained. "ah sureee,."
Noah lastly spoke before going back at reading his book. I was bored and didn't know what to do so I peeked at Al in his bed. " hey Al, how are things going with your hot chick Heather? " Alejandro looked at me right in the eyes.

Ending of chapter 1

Author's note: going to publish 1 or 2 chapters a week depends on what I have to do..... some chapters might be longer some shorter! Thinking of writing another rn!

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