Chapter 31

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As I entered the cafeteria, Alejandro was lying on top of Tyler, his face was red and they were intensely staring at each other.
I shoot them an awkward glance before clearing my throat: " erm, Alejandro, what the hell dude. "
Alejandro winced up, his cheeks reddened even more:
" Ah Chico, you ruined our moment." He sighed clearly annoyed as Tyler also sat up.
" don't chico me, you poisoned Bowie didn't you?"
I pointed my finger at him, my eyes squinted.
" no way, what makes you think I did that? Okay sure, I did but the poison we gave him can be easily treated! It's nothing to worry about."
he explained firmly and his brows furrowed.
" we? You both did that? you cannot poison a man just because he slightly touched yours! " I grunted scornfully, his eyes widened in anger:
" is that so?! Chris wasn't letting Bowie get eliminated, there wasn't any other way! HE DERVED IT!" the Spaniard began yelling.
I flinched in slight annoyance: " it still wasn't necessary."

" Bueno, You'll enjoy the finals. Al smirked mischievously as he grabbed Tyler by the arm and pulled him out the room almost making me fall. I could sense a " sorry „  in Tyler's eyes.

I let out a loud sigh, I began thinking on how I'd have to give up Cody, there were 4 players left.
Only three were going to stay.
I got out the cafeteria quite upset, this experience was more than traumatic but then something came up to my mind: what if I let Cody win?

What if I didn't even have to try?

I went searching for Noah, I was worried sick, what if he got poisoned too?
Gladly enoughI saw him leaving the bar and ran to him: " Noah! Thank god you're ok.. so were you right? Did Alejandro really do that?"
He nodded and took my hand: " yes he was, but it's fine. " he paused for a moment looking down: " I have to do something.. don't come looking for me." He lastly said before walking away, a slight smile on his face.
I tilted my head, what did he have to do? I decided to follow him and so I did.
He arrived at Chris's mention and knocked on the door, Chris himself answered: they started talking I couldn't hear anything except for my name, was he trying to get me eliminated? No of course no, why would he do that.
He finished talking and I quietly hid behind a bush as Chris, Chef and Noah walked away.

Alejandro and Tyler were already there when I arrived and Noah was holding his luggage in front of a boat: " Dear campers, Noah decided to leave. But that means you all are going to the finals without having to go through another challenge! Yippee! "
Chris smirked: " since he auto-eliminated himself he'll be leaving on this comfy boat."
I froze looking at him in shock: " W-What? You're leaving me? Leaving us?" I murmured I didn't want to believe my own words.
He scooted closer and kissed me on the cheek: " I'm doing this so we can win this. I didn't want you to spend any more days here. " he grinned.
" but I thought we were going to go through this together! " I cried desperately: " we were. "
Those were his last words.
I watched as the boat became smaller and smaller into the horizon, at least now I just had one day to spend here.

I reached the cabin, not even Tyler and Al slept together tonight, but I sure felt alone, I was alone.
I began crying and sobbing as I fell into one of the saddest sleeps.

I was going to win this, it didn't matter if I was alone, I wasn't doing this for him, not anymore.


Author's apology: I've disappeared for idk how many months and I'm terribly sorry. New school new stuff to deal with! But dw I'm back and running!

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