chapter 4

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I had to vote for Geoff, as Chris mentioned that we had to do the course naked he immediately refused to take his clothes off and when we finally convinced him he immediately fell. " Alright campers I counted the votes, if you receive a condom you'll be safe from
tonight's elimination. " Chris says calmly, we all stared at him in pure shock. " Chris, you did not just say condoms. " Scott said, his mouth wide open. "Yeah I did! Alright so.. Owen, Shawn, Dave, Trent, DJ and the final condom of the night goes to..  Scott! Unfortunately that means Geoff has been eliminated."
Geoff immediately sits up and nods " Yeah brothers I'm out of here, I can already tell this season will suck- " as he was speaking, Chris clicks a button, a sort of catapult appeared under Geoff's seat, that launched him far far away. " Well bye Geoff that's what you get by insulting my perfect show." 
How was the catapult already under Geoff seat? It's as if Chris already knew who was going home.
I didn't think much about it and shrugged it off, suddenly Alejandro and Tyler ran to the camp fire spot  " Where's Geoff? We wanted to say goodbye! " Tyler panted exhausted from running. " It's a little.. late for that.. " Shawn murmured frightened.
" Alright campers now you'll have 3 days off, enjoy your little show off time. No cameras!" Chris announced.

The day after the first challenge goes by, the boys and I continue partying without Geoff, it wasn't the same but we were really enjoying those three days of free time. Even though.. I always feel like somebody's watching me, it has to be Alejandro. He's so.. I just can't stop thinking about him for some reason.
After the second day I decided to stay in the cabin instead of going to tonight's party. Too lazy to climb on my bed so I laid on Alejandro's, I hope he doesn't mind.. I grab one of my sport magazines and as I started reading it I immediately fell asleep, tired and exhausted.

I couldn't bare another party, so I simply walked back to my team's cabin. I let out a long sigh, this season didn't feel the same, my thoughts about Heather had been replaced with Tyler, I needed to do  something about this.
I entered the cabin, and as I started taking my shirt off, there he was, Tyler, he  had fallen asleep on my bed. He was quietly snoring, he was so beautiful while he slept.. Aye, this was my chance I had to just get something of him, anything. I put my shirt away and slowly approached him, I looked at him, the tingly feeling was there again.. I gently grabbed his chin, he opened his eyes " Al? What are you-" before he could finish his sentence I kissed him right on his lips, at first he struggled and wanted me to stop, but as our tongues touched, he relaxed his muscles and let go into one of the most passionate French kisses I've ever had.
As I finally let go, panting he looks at me startled, his cheeks red as a tomate. " A-Al.. why.. " Tyler whispered, " I can't stop thinking about you anymore mi vida. I need you. " I responded softly, gently opening his shirt before kissing his neck. " N-No.. augh.. Alejandro.. " the jock moans as I keep going, gently leaving a few marks around his shoulders.  " D-Dude.. agh.. I-I'm n-not.. gay... " he kept moaning, but he wasn't pushing me away. I opened his shirt more and slowly started to suck on his nipples. " AH! N-n-not there!.. dude agh.. n-no..." he begged as he kept panting and holding my head back. " I need you Tyler. " I say as I give him final kiss. Just for tonight.
He tiredly laid back on my bed, I scoot over to hug him. " A-Al.. No I can't do this to my Lindsay. " he whispered, pushing me away, I don't budge and simply respond: " there's no more Lindsay mi amor, and you know that. " he bit his lip and stopped pushing me. We slowly fell asleep cuddling with each other. Tyler was all I needed from now on. My Tyler.

I can't believe that Chris allowed alcohol in this season, the party was even better this way I could forget everything that happened and drink some good old beer and punch. I was drunk, I started dancing in the middle of the new cafeteria, where all the parties took place. Another beer down, I couldn't see straight anymore.. Trent joins in and dances with me for a while before saying: " hey pretty face.. hic... care for a dance? " clearly he was even drunker than me. " Oh Trent- sure I suppose. " I responded as I kept dancing " Well now I can see why they didn't want you to work as a model anymore.. look at those dance moves!.. " he shouted, " I'm really trying not to think about it right now. " I stopped dancing clearly irritated by his comment. "Oh someone's sensitive tonight. " he said as he stopped dancing too, anger was starting to build up, I grabbed his arm " Trent, shut up. I told you not now." My grip tightened " And what if I don't shut up Justin?!" I immediately throw him at the back of the cafeteria and pin him against the wall. " this isn't a joke anymore. Shut. Up. " I repeated angrily. " Oh pretty face, you're sooo adorable when you're angry.. hic!" I was ready to punch him, but out of nowhere someone behind us pushed me against him, our lips touching,
we were kissing.

End of chapter 4

Author's note: things are getting more spicy aren't they? Looking forward to write chapter 5 soon!!! Also would you like me to share some of my art with you? Lmk!🫶

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