Chapter 5

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What was happening? Why was it happening? Why was I enjoying it? It must've been the alcohol.
I couldn't hear the music, all I felt was Justin's tongue around mine. I felt so hot, in any literal way possibile, Justin was at first concerned, but then he began kissing me harder, more passionately, I could feel his penis pressing against mine. He then suddenly stopped, I stared at him, panting, my heart in my chest pumping.
He then ran away without saying a word. I let out a sigh, feeling the urge to vomit I quickly raced to the bathroom and puked in the toilet. I sat on the bathroom floor, no one seemed to have noticed anything, I hoped so, at least.
I really wished we could've kept kissing forever. Good lord... It must've been the alcohol.

Another day goes by, it was now the last day of no cameras. And all the boys were  exhausted from partying and drinking.

Finally tomorrow there will be another challenge, these 3 days of the boys "partying" were so loud and annoying.
I was sitting on a bench, reading a book peacefully, suddenly I feel someone touching my shoulder.
"Agh Cody? What is it? " I asked annoyed, " Actually, It's Dave. " the new guy responded as he sat next to me. " Oh. What do you want? " I sighed quite disappointed. " I actually wanted to ask you, do you have any idea of how hard the future challenges will be? Because the last one days ago, was.. Horrifying. "
He explained, shaking his head. " Listen newbie, I have no idea, Chris is freaking insane, he's unpredictable. " I groaned irritated, Dave sat up and and faked a smile " Alright.. uh thanks." He lastly said leaving.
I liked staying alone, but I also liked sharing my sarcastic jokes with Owen or Cody and see them laughing. But Owen was apparently too busy eating, sleeping and making friends with the new entries.
Tired of reading my book I got up, suddenly I felt hands covering my eyes. " Cody? " I murmured, " you guessed it! " he chuckled sitting on the bench, "you scared Dave, he's new and he looks kind you shouldn't be so rude to him. " He continued as I sat back on the same spot. " He asked me a stupid question. " I shrugged, opening the book again.
"Ah yeah okay." He then began staring at me, I could feel his stare as I kept reading.
"What do you need Cody?" I asked irritated, " Can't I just sit next to you? " he scooted over and put his head on my shoulder, I blushed a little, I really liked staying with Cody.
" what."
" do you remember when you kissed me in season one? "
"What about it?"
"Can you.. do .. that again?"
I closed my book and looked at him in the eyes. " haha, have you been drinking like the others?"
" no.. " he gazed down embarrassed, I stroked his chin, our eyes meeting again. " that's so random Cody. " I laughed and re-opened my book. "Yeah! Haha.. so random, I have a crush on Gwen dude." He said, his voice trembling? " see you tomorrow for the next challenge. " he didn't even reply and walked away, was he serious?

The sun rises, it was the day of the next challenge.

I woke up at the sound of birds chirping, to find no one in my arms where was Tyler? I got up and put my shirt back on along with my boots. I got out of the cabin to see everyone having breakfast next to a giant pit of weird round "plastic" spikes and a single rope to get on the other side. This wasn't anything too challenging for Alejandro Burromuerto.
" Hola amigos! Good morning, " I said as I sat down next to Tyler in my team's table and grabbed a red apple from the fruit basket. " morning.. " Noah replied drily. " morning. " Tyler responded, he sounded upset. " Aye, what's up? " I whispered to him in the ear. " I woke up on the floor and had the weirdest dream I don't want to talk about it. " He sighed eating a bite of his galette. " Hey Tyler what's that on your neck? " asked Raj A curiously, " Uh what? " he peeked at his shoulder under his sweater.
" No freaking way. " Tyler mumbles shocked, I immediately grabbed him by the arm and pushed him under the wooden table, covering his mouth.
" Mi vida it wasn't a dream, we kissed. " I whispered to him. " MHMHM?! " he said muffled, " Hush. " I removed my hand and kissed him to remind him of last night. " We're going to keep our special alliance a secret alright? " I whispered once more, he just stared at me, his cheeks reddened. I dragged him back up, " Ah sorry chicos we just needed to discuss an important matter. " I simply explained. " ooo I can just imagine which important matter you were discussing~ " Bowie giggled jagging down his mango juice, I gave him a death stare.
" CAMPERS!!! ARE YOU READY FOR TODAY'S CHALLENGE!" Chris emerged from the middle of the pit, Chef arrived with huge bottles of.. Vodka?
Everyone sat up and stood in front of Chef. " Is that Kodva? I've never tried it before!" Owen laughed as if what he said was actually funny...
" No it's Vodka. Are you gonna drug us Chris!?"Shawn shouts panicked, hiding behind Dave.
" Kind of, yes. Let me explain:
" For today's challenge your teammates must drink as many glasses of vodka possibile, the more glasses you drink the more points your team gets. You'll get a sticker with the number of glasses you jagged down. Then you'll have to cross the pit on the rope, get on the other side and click the red button. If you fall, those dild- I mean spikes will absolutely penetrate the deepest part of you, let me tell you. "
He was not about to say dildos was he.

End of Chapter 5

Author's note: Chris needs to go back to prison!!! He's getting way too freaky, anyways might post chapter 6 before I go to bed, no promises though🫶

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