Chapter 17

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" ahhh..  Shawn.. N-N...o.." that's all I could mutter as he kept licking the inside my hole vigorously.
" I-I'm going.. to.. " I finished on his face with a loud moan. " That didn't.. happen.. " I sat up looking at Shawn.  " It sure did.. " he gasped for air, cleaning his face with a smirk. " this doesn't mean anything.. I'm straight as a line Shawn! " I put my pants back on and stumbled ending up on the cabin's floor. " yeahhh sure! You sure are. " Shawn laughed and then frowned. " that didn't mean anything to you?" he asked me, I laid on the floor for a couple minutes in silence. " I don't think so. " I murmured thoughtfully. " okay. Yeah that's- that's fine, it was just a one time thing. "
I looked at the ceiling before getting up and looking at the blonde hair boy. " yeah it was, but I think i should do something too shouldn't I? " I gulped getting up and got closer to Shawn. " I-I guess I could make you cum too. " I got on my knees, my cheeks reddened as I undressed him revealing his hard member. " Put some effort in it. " Shawn cheered up. I slowly licked the tip before swallowing it whole, I actually had a pretty deep throat.
" Oh god yes.. oh yes.. " Shawn moaned as he held my head. In just a couple minutes of sucking he cummed in my mouth without any warning, just a sharp scream. " That was so.. " he collapsed on the bed as I swallowed the cum. " you better hope I'm not allergic to sperm. " then as we settled I let out a loud sigh. " you really love me? You really meant all those kisses in the confessional?" I asked him staring into his deep eyes.

" I do Dave, it's fine if you don't." He answered drily,
I shook my head " sorry Shawn, maybe.. if we keep hanging out I'll feel the same. " he never responded.

Bowie won the challenge and it was the time for voting.
"Alright dudes you casted your votes are you ready to know who will leave the island tonight? " Chris asked holding a plate of condoms, ew.
Now only me and Trent didn't have a condom yet, I trembled with fear. " And the night condom of the night goes to... " he paused dramatically as always.
"Dave! Sorry Trent that means you've been eliminated. " I let out a sigh of relief.
" No wait! " Justin launched himself on top of Trent, pushing him off his seat and kissed him, I stared in pure confusion.
" Oh darling. Don't leave me please.. " Justin wailed as he hugged Trent tight, they really weren't embarrassed were they? " It's okay, you win this for me, for us, alright? I'm rooting for you my love. " the black haired boy answered softly as he kissed his right cheek.
Trent then got up, held Justin's hands before sitting back on the wood log. " goodbye I love- " Chris pressed the red button and the catapult threw Trent right in the ocean. Justin began reading up, " Oh I'm so sorry Justin, but I couldn't care less. " Chris giggled delighted, I stared at him in anger.

My plan had worked, I managed to make one of the couples break up, now it was time for Noah and Cody, even though I had my suspicions on Dave and Shawn.. Aye, I was so hungry, of Tyler.
" babe what if they split us too? I want to get to the finals with you. " he asked me as we laid on our bed as usual, exhausted from today's challenge.
" Mi amor don't you worry, nothing will separate us I promise you. " I kissed his forehead, he smiled at me, his usual silly expressions filled my stomach with mariposas. ( butterflies ) " Let's cuddle, it'll relax your muscles. " I whispered as I grabbed his hips. " but cuddles usually lead to.. sex.." I chuckled and kissed him passionately, our tongues entwined, I played with his nipples he began whimpering.
" hey you two we get it your gay. " Noah yelled suddenly from across the room as he cuddled with Cody. " says tu. " I rolled my eyes as Tyler gasped for air. Honestly at this point almost everyone knew about me and Tyler.

I woke up with Tyler cutely sleeping on my shoulder snoring like a child. " Agh.. he's not cute he's not guapo.. " I whispered to myself as I felt my face burning with embarrassment. I let out a long sigh, I just couldn't stop falling in love more with that stupid jock. But that wasn't going to stop me from winning. I had to win. I HAD TO WIN.
I gently woke Tyler up with a few kisses, he let out a loud yawn. " good morning babe. " he murmured half-asleep. " are you ready cariño?" - " I sure am."

We dressed up and got out of the cabin, in my surprise Chris was standing with someone right next to him, it was Heather.

End of chapter 17

Author's note: I'm so so so so so so sorry I'll post the next chapter sooner I promise! And if you make sure to vote this chapter I might as well post it even sooner 😼

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