This is not an imagine as you have probably guessed from the title, but I wanted to bring attention and possibly help educate about what is going on around the world, this is a very important matter so I hope you will stay to read.
In 1947 the United Nations recommended the partition of Palestine and separation of Jewish and Arab states.
This meant that they would be giving away the Palestinian land and giving part of it to the Jewish (now mainly Israeli)and part to Arab (mainly Palestinian) people.
In 1948 Britain (who were in occupation and control of Palestine) finally gave the land up and departed back to England, leaving the Jews and Arabs to fight out who was going to get the land – this turned into the war that we know to have been the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Israeli government.
since that day, Israel (as it came to be) have been taking over more and more land, by doing so, they are killing, capturing and torturing the innocent Palestinian civilians.
This has been going on for 75+ years, and the media refuses to allow us to speak about it.
Now just because I support Palestine, does not mean I condone the actions of the Hamas (an extremist group fighting for liberation of their land), but we do have to take note that Hamas wouldn't be doing what they are doing now had the Israeli government not taken over the Palestinian lands.
80 years ago Israel did not exist, Palestine was where Israel now stands. Innocent Palestinians have been captured, killed and put into concentration camps which live on the Israeli land. Yet the media never talks about it.
it shouldn't have been allowed to get this far, but that does not mean standing beside Palestine means that you support Hamas.
Hamas does not represent the entirety of Palestine.
With what is happening in Israel right now innocent Palestinians are being murdered once again, yet the media is refusing to talk about it.
The Israeli government have shut off water supply to Gaza (home to 2,000,000 Palestinians, half of those being children) and have started launching white phosphorus, a harmful chemical that can cause burns and even death, due to injury and illness.
recently Israel has mentioned that they are going to bring Gaza to the ground, every building will be nothing but rubble by the end of it.
Israeli government had recently given Palestinians the opportunity to leave to Egypt for a safe passage, letting the citizens know which paths were safe and which were not, the Palestinians loaded themselves onto open trucks, so the planes belonging the the Israeli government could see them and know that they are innocent. Isreal bombed the trucks and the passage. Killing many, including children.
They warned Palestinians in Gaza to head to South Gaza so they could bomb the north, many evacuating to the South. Israel bombed the South, killing even more.
And then continued to bomb ambulances those in need of medical assistance were in.
Israeli propaganda is trying to make us believe that these are mere defence tactics, yet the majority of us can see that this is just another ethnic cleanse in the form of self defence. Israeli government is trying to get rid of everything and everyone from the land, which will no doubt become Israel in the near future if their "defence mechanisms" go to plan.