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I stare at the wall, picking at the fraying fabric of my shorts, and flinch at every twinge of pain that radiates from my jaw. I slept for maybe five hours through the night and spent the rest replaying the interaction with Pakhan repeatedly in my head.

I'll never forget the look in Ace's eyes when he said those vile things about me about letting the men fuck me until I obey. The twinge in my gut told me he isn't kidding and that if I don't get my act together, I will be sent back to Derrick as nothing more than a broken shell of who I once was.

If I get sent back.

Pakhan's words haunt me, replaying in my head like a broken record. Has Derrick made no effort to get me out of here? Surely, he has. The police are tracking me down at this very moment. It'll only be a matter of time before the SWAT team rolls up, taking every one of these men into custody, especially Ace.

That poor excuse of a man deserves to rot in prison for what he's done and for all the innocent people he's most definitely killed, tortured, raped, and kidnapped.

But why do I feel like my gut twists whenever I see him? Why do I get a sickening feeling between my legs just at the sight of him standing above me, eyes watching my every move behind the mask?

I'm getting a strong case of Stockholm syndrome, and I need to stop it in its tracks before I do something I regret. I just need to gain their trust and let them unknowingly loosen their chains on me before I break free and make it out of here once and for all.

The door swings open, and Slash walks in, carrying a bucket of cleaning supplies and gloves. "We're going to let you out to clean for a bit. Ace sent one of the men shopping for food so that you can cook to your heart's content. I can't say I'm not excited; I don't want to see those Golden Arches again." I stand up quickly, noticeably excited. I can't say the last time I was eager to clean, but God, focusing on something other than my demise sounds fucking fantastic right now.

I hold out my arms, and he unlocks the chains, and they drop to my feet. I reach for the cleaning supplies, but he pulls them away, giving me a warning look. I half expect him to pull out a maid outfit like that foul man said earlier, but he doesn't. Instead, he warns me, "Don't be smart, Wren. Ace may be going a little soft on you right now, which is the first I've ever seen from him, but the moment you try to do anything, there's no telling how much patience he has left."

"I know. I won't," I say, meaning every word...For now.

Stay smart. Stay alive.

I repeated it over and over in my head this morning like a mantra, realizing just how stupid I was for telling off the Pakhan. That man has probably killed more people than I can even imagine—or has ordered someone else, most likely his little men who follow his orders blindly, to kill. He doesn't seem the type to get his hands dirty, possibly forcing his men to do it for him so he doesn't stain his Versace suit.

Ace of Spades; A Dark Romance (18+)Where stories live. Discover now