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Walking away from Wren is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, aside from admitting to myself just how much that woman actually means to me and of course lowering a small pink casket that held half of my heart into the cold ground.

I stand outside the mansion, staring up into the windows with malice in my veins.

"Keep walking," the guard urges me. I spit blood at his boots and turn, conjuring up all my strength to walk through the gates without limping.

I will be back.

They will have to shoot me down to keep me away from Wren. I never promise much, but I can promise that each motherfucker in this building is going to die, and I'm going to burn it down with Alek inside.

I walk down the road for miles, my head on a swivel, expecting one of Alek's henchmen to jump into my path, machine gun blazing and tearing holes through my body. It can't be that easy; Alek letting me go in return for Wren.

He has to know I won't give up, that I'm now out for blood.

He probably thinks Wren doesn't mean enough for me stupidly fight back, maybe thinks I'll take the warning and go about the rest of my life without her by my side—but he's dead wrong.

He doesn't know me, doesn't know I'm what I'm capable of.

I'm going to cut off his dick, feed it to him and watch him choke before blowing his brains out, and I'm going to get Wren back.

He fucked with the wrong man.

After a while of limping along the side of the road, blood trailing behind me, a car pulls up with a young man inside. He rolls down his window and turns down his heavy metal music, concern twisting his face as he takes in my battered state.

"You good, bro?"

"Give me your phone," I hiss, leaning my head down to look at him through the open window. "I need to call someone."

"You need to go to the hospital. What the fuck happened to—"

"Give me your phone!" I yell at him. He quickly fishes his phone from his pocket and hands it over without another word. I dial Viper's phone number from memory and lift the phone to my ear. Three rings pass before he answers.

"Who is this?"

"Ace," I say, turning my back to the guy for some privacy as I notice he leans closer, trying to overhear my conversation and figure out why the fuck I look like I was run over by a train.

There's a long pause. "What the fuck, man? Where are you?"

"Outskirts of Alek's house. A few miles south."

"Got it. I'll be there soon."

I hang up the phone and toss it back at the guy carelessly. He catches it with fumbling hands and eyes me suspiciously before I turn and fall back into the grass with a groan, lying on my back and staring into the sky with my body screaming at me in agony.

Ace of Spades; A Dark Romance (18+)Where stories live. Discover now