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After our encounter, Ace slips wordlessly through the door, not once offering me any sense of explanation. He just pulled his mask back on and darted, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I stand against the wall, my chest rising and falling quickly with sporadic breaths as I fight to gain control over myself. I stare blankly through the window, my eyes watching the trees that dance in the wind, and I fight to regain a modicum of composure that Ace seemed to dismantle with a few orgasms. After a long silence, I finally snatch my towel from the floor and wrap it around myself, hiding the marks he left in his wake.

I peek through the door and make sure the coast is clear before I dart into my room, shutting the door softly before releasing a rattling breath, thankful for solitude. I turn on my heel, only to stifle a scream when I find Viper sitting on my bed, a butterfly knife in his hand. With a simple flick of his wrist, the blade flutters around and closes, only for him to repeat the process.

His eyes never raise to meet mine as he talks, "How was that?"

"My shower? It was...fine," I say, my voice coming out more ample than expected.

"Don't play dumb, Wren," He mutters, his eyes lifting to mine. I shift my weight on my feet, my fingers clutching the towel tighter to my body.

"I'm not—"

"I don't know what the fuck you think you're doing, but it won't work." He stands, and I instinctively step back, only to find my back against the door. He steps closer, nearly closing the distance between us with his eyes never leaving mine. He stops a few paces away from me, his gaze burning but never leaving my face.

"I'm not doing anything, Viper," I whisper.

"I could hear you across the damn house!" He roars, his calm exterior finally breaking, unleashing the man who hides underneath his mask. I flinch at his sudden change of tone, and he laughs, his eyes darkening. I want to believe Viper won't hurt me, but the truth is these men are cutthroat criminals, and who's saying Viper won't send that switchblade right into my eye socket or stab it into my jugular just to watch me bleed out?

He lifts his hand and, with his fingers clenching the blade of the knife, he swings it at me.

Oh god.

I close my eyes, my heart stopping inside my chest as he sends the blade hurdling toward me. I hear a loud thud! And flinch, expecting the pain any moment now, but it never comes. I pry open my eyes and look to my left, shocked to see the knife embedded in the door just beside my face. My ear stings from where the blade sliced across my flesh, and I feel the warmth of my blood as it drips down my neck.

"Ace is losing himself because of a woman, and it's not like him. He has more important things to worry about, not some disposable pussy." Viper stalks forward, and I don't cower away. Instead, I reach up, quickly snatch the blade from the door, and point it at him, my hand shaking violently. He just laughs and presses his hand down against the blade, forcing a gasp from me as his hand begins to bleed against mine, coating our skin in crimson. He doesn't flinch, doesn't cower away. His eyes remain trained on me as blood pools to the floor, his fingers wrapping around the blade tightly as he hisses but doesn't pull away.

Ace of Spades; A Dark Romance (18+)Where stories live. Discover now