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After a couple of moments of frozen terror and shock, I finally force myself to turn and find the bag on the sink. I dig through the contents, finding the razors and shaving cream, glaring at the tampons with dread filling my chest.

I take a deep breath, undress, and turn on the shower, waiting for it to warm up as I open the package of razors and pull one out, setting it on the tub's ledge. I place the shaving cream next to it and shove the box of tampons under the sink and out of sight, the anxiety prickling at my spine once again.

I take a long, hot shower and shave every inch of my body. After I'm done, I wash the suds from my skin and hair, savoring the feeling of the hot water pelting against my back. Although the water pressure sucks, the feeling is just what I need to loosen the tense muscles in my shoulders.

I hear the door creak open, and I freeze, my attention suddenly alert.

"You have one minute left," Ace calls behind the shower curtain. I relax at his voice and reach down, shutting off the shower. Without another logical thought telling me what I'm about to do isn't smart, I jerk the shower curtain open and face him, not doing anything to cover myself from his gaze. His eyes darken and lower, taking in my body with no restraint. I grab my hair in my fist and twist the soaking strands, wringing it out into the tub. His eyes never leave me, and I keep my gaze on him, not once shying from him. I carefully step from the tub and grab the towel from the hook next to him, my arm brushing against his shoulder and face nearing his. His eyes drop to my mouth, and I flick my tongue against my lips, feeling a sense of satisfaction when I hear his breath come out ragged beneath his mask. I grab the towel and wrap it around me, finally covering his gaze from my tits and cleanly shaved body.

"Wren," He mutters, his voice breathy.

"Yes?" I ask, holding the towel firm around my body and jutting my chip up to him. He shocks me as he snatches the towel from my hand and rips it from my body, making me jump. His hand flies to his mask, and he pulls it from his face, displaying the man beneath. My eyes take in his face that's now unveiled, and I watch as his angular jaw flexes beneath the dark stubble. I search the curve of his lips, begging to be traced by my finger. This man is beautiful—so goddamn gorgeous and dangerous that I can't even comprehend how the two could go hand in hand. His icy eyes are set perfectly, surrounded by dark, thick lashes and a cunning smile that would send me to my knees. His hair hangs limp in his eyes, and the tattoos snake up his neck, bordering his jawline. From here, I can make out the design of a raven, its wings extending on either side of his throat.

This man is undeniably sexy—and familiar.

I've seen his face many times before, not only in my bar but in my fantasies.

I was instantly brought back to work when he showed me his face. He would sit across the room with only water, his silver eyes never leaving me. I remember thinking how fucking gorgeous he was but also wondering why he never stopped staring, even after I made eye contact. Anyone in their right mind would look away once caught, but not him.

Ace of Spades; A Dark Romance (18+)Where stories live. Discover now