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I can't count how many times I have slipped in and out of consciousness. I feel like I'm in a downward spiral, my brain confusing whether I'm awake or not or how long my stretches of sleep even last. I clench my hand, making sure I can still use it after Dimirti shoved his knife through the muscle and ligament. I have mobility, not a lot, but some.

I feel cold, and I know a good amount of blood coats the cement, and my mortal clock is ticking.

I fall back in the chair, trying my restraints for the millionth time, chest straining, wrists bulging against the ropes, only to be met with resistance. I curse myself for feeding every proper technique of my skill to Alek, or else I would be able to escape these restraints with no issue.

The door flies open behind me, and a light flicks on. I squint against it, the bright white blinding my vision momentarily.

"Well, well," Dimitri says in a thick Russian accent behind me. "Looks like we don't need you after all, hm?"

"What are you talking about?" My body goes cold, fearing the following sentence that comes from his mouth.

"Wren happily walked her sweet ass through those gates, giving herself up."

"You're fucking lying," I spit. I again fight against the restraints, my chair rocking with my strength and holding me back from tackling Dimitri to the ground and smashing his head against the cement.

There's no way.

She isn't that dumb, is she?

Oh, Wren, please tell me you fucking didn't.

The rage that courses through my veins is enough to make me shake violently, to see fucking red as my pulse hammers inside my neck, threatening to rupture.

"I already told you I despise liars." He faces me, a sick grin on his face. "There's just one last thing Alek wants from you, so don't worry, you won't die. Not yet." Dimitri pulls out cuffs from his pocket, and two more men walk in from behind me, one of them being a man I recognize as Ivan. He casts me a sideways glance, but that's all he offers. Dimitri cuffs me, and one man holds my arms as the other cuts the ropes around my wrists and ankles free. Dimitri pulls me to my feet and shoves me toward the door; a gun pointed at the back of my skull. I limp along with them, my knee screaming from when Dimitri smashed an aluminum bat over it.

"Let's pay the Pakhana little visit."


I sit on Alek's lap, my black hair curled in large waves down my back and a pound of makeup on my face, almost enough to suffocate me. I smell like cheap perfume, which is supposedly Alek's favorite, believe it or not. The tiny black dress he requested sits awfully too high for my liking, and I keep pulling at the hem, trying to cover myself as much as possible. My back is rim-rod straight as his fingers that explore me leave a trail of filth along my spine. I shake anxiously, trying to keep my nerves at bay but failing miserably.

Ace of Spades; A Dark Romance (18+)Where stories live. Discover now