Ecclesiastes 4:9-11

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"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?"

The books are a disaster.

Beatrice had been gone just a few weeks, and their inventory and numbers all went to hell. She had tried to leave it as simple as possible, but the LaVasseur family didn't take much care with their expenditures, as she had learned when she first took the job.

But now she's back, and the family is grateful, and Hans was distant but he's warming up to her now. She had to get back in their good graces for leaving so abruptly and explain her reasonings.

And the fact that Ava was not with her.

That one hurt. To tell Hans that his favorite barmaid wouldn't be pouring too much rum in a Jack and Coke. That she was gone. The regulars missed her too, looking to Beatrice for answers she couldn't give them. She just told them that Ava was off on her own adventures, and they readily believed it. In some sense, it was the truth.

Beatrice walks home now, to the little apartment they shared back at the beginning of the end. She's been here just a few days, and she's hardly been able to sleep. The feel of Ava next to her in the bed is aching, as the Warrior Nun served as a great nighttime medicine. She had never slept so well than when Ava was beside her.

Every thought is filled with her. All of it is Ava. The time they shared, the memories of her, all of their firsts. Beatrice is thinking a lot about their firsts now. She's back alone, having to do it all over again, without her. A first in itself.

Leaving the OCS was the first thing she had done for herself... ever. And it was exactly what she needed. She couldn't uphold her vows. She had already broken enough of them. The conversation with Mother Superion had been simple.

They had recently returned from battling Adriel, losing Ava. The OCS was attempting to rebuild, had gathered girls from convents around Andalucía and recruited them. Beatrice had done her best trying to play the part of Sister Warrior, a leader. But she was hurting. Camila saw as much. Yasmine and the girls. Father Vincent and Superion. It hurt too much to be there without her. With every corner, there was a memory. Beatrice couldn't take it.

So she changed into her civilian clothes, the same ones she wore when they were in Switzerland. She put on the shirt Ava liked her best in and packed a bag.

When she arrived at Mother Superion's office, the woman knew what was going to happen. Beatrice had smiled sadly, entering.

"I suppose it was only a matter of time," Superion started, standing from her desk.

"You know I appreciate everything you have done for me. But I can't stay here. It's too painful."

"I understand. I'm sorry."

Beatrice sighed, this next part heavier. "And... I'd like to revoke my vows."

Superion stared at her, trying to gauge her sincerity. "There's no need for that."

"There is. I no longer wish to adhere to them. Not with what I'm about to do."

"And what is that?"

Beatrice looked up at her, determined. "I'm going to get her back."

Superion took her in, this broken girl. "We can help you. Your sisters will help you. We want her back just the same. But I don't believe it's a matter of just going out and getting her. She'll return on her own."

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