John 16:22

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"So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy."

In Switzerland when they were staying low, it was the first time Ava kissed her. Not a kiss kiss, not one that took place on the mouth, but it was in the general vicinity, and Beatrice stopped functioning the moment it happened.

She was scolding her in the upstairs of the bar about chatting with customers, glancing at Hans, and while she thought she had convinced herself she was keeping it professional by doing so, there was an overwhelming feeling of jealousy. She didn't know where it was coming from. But in the month that they had been there, with Beatrice keeping her eyes on Ava at all times, she found that nearly every person Ava interacted with, flirtatiously or platonically (but let's be real, Ava flirted with anything with two legs) Beatrice was riddled with envy. So obvious, that Ava had even called her out on it.

She had tried to tamp it down. She had undergone years of training to do so, but the warm feeling never left her. It held in her skin, tickled her synapsis, and it seemed to grow hot when Ava drew near.

And there, in the upstairs of the bar, was when Ava leaned in and pecked her on the cheek. Beatrice was grateful that as quickly as Ava had done it, she was gone and down the stairs. Because she couldn't see Beatrice's shocked expression, the blush that rose in her cheeks, her breath shuddering at the feeling Ava's lips left on her skin.

She didn't touch her cheek, like so many actors did when kissed by a girl in the movies Ava forced her to watch. No, because she felt if she did, the magical feeling would evaporate. She wanted Ava's lips to be the only thing her cheek had touched.

"Damn, sister! We're riding in style," Mary coos as they walk up to the Mercedes.

Beatrice clicks the button to unlock it, the car chirping as they open the doors. "Well, I know it's no Harley."

Mary groans before stepping into the car. "Don't remind me."

The unworried feeling Beatrice had when she arrived in Mary's town is gone as she leaves it. It's replaced with a sickening terror. If Jillian says the war has begun, then where is Ava? Why hasn't she returned? Has she already come back and Beatrice wasn't there? Is she coming through the Arc, or appearing elsewhere? What if she misses her?

Still, something in Beatrice knows that when Ava comes back, it will be to her. Regardless of where she is in the world, Beatrice will be the link between her and the other realm. She doesn't know how she knows it, but she does.

They pull up to the front gates of the Cat's Cradle, sisters on guard.

"Do you think they'll let us through?" Mary mutters.

"Their ex-best warrior and thought-to-be-dead assassin-for-hire? I'm sure we'll float right on in."

They do though, despite Beatrice's teasing. The sisters welcome them with open arms and smiles. They leave their bags, stepping into the main nave and hearing the familiar sounds of soft hits and thuds from training warriors.

Camila spots them first, standing off to the side and watching over a class of recruits. She grins at Beatrice, and it drops immediately at the sight of Mary. She runs over to them, crossing herself and then jumping into her arms.

"Oh, my God. You're alive?" she mumbles into Mary's neck.

"Takes a lot to kill me."

Camila pulls back. "But, we saw you. We watched you..."

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