1 Corinthians 16:14

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"Let all that you do be done in love."

It is the day.

They suit up in silence. They help each other with buckles and straps wordlessly. They communicate only through touch. A lingering hand here, a swipe of the fingers there. They know exactly what the other is thinking, for they share the same thoughts.

This is the end of something. It could be the beginning. I will stop at nothing to save her.

They join the others in the nave. All the warriors are here, grouped with their squads, weighed down with weapons and armor. Even Superion and Vincent are in tactical gear, the Mother still in her frock but this one is made of impenetrable leather and chain. She still carries her cane, but those who know her understand its real use. Vincent wears a similar frock, chains swishing. He wears a belt of tools, daggers and blades and trinkets for war.

Everyone is needed. That much is clear.

When Ava approaches the front of the nave, the warriors quiet. They turn their heads to their leader, their matriarch, and they await her voice to reach their ears.

Ava clears her throat, used to giving the pep talks and speeches but this time finding it harder. This is the last war, the last battle, and she knows that it also will be the last fight for some of her sisters.

"I don't know what we're walking into," she begins, "but that doesn't mean we haven't trained for it. You all have put your blood, sweat, and tears into preparing for this war, and I know that we will finish it, one way or another. This is what we have been made for. This moment. Whatever happens from here on out..." she looks over all of them, her warriors. "Know you have already done what you've come here to do. You've served, you've obeyed, and now you will fight."

She gives them a nod, feeling insufficient in her speech, her insides twisting and turning with anxiety and fear and nerves. She looks to Superion.

"Mother? Will you pray?"

Superion bows her head, stepping up into Ava's position and holding her hands out, eyes closing.

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Though we may fall, we will rise. Though we may sit in darkness, the Lord will be our light. We take the shield of faith, we wear the helmet of salvation, and we wield the sword of the spirit. We hold the armor of God, and we shall prepare to live this day in spiritual victory."

She crosses herself, kissing her rosary, and all the warriors follow suit. Beatrice crosses herself, then slyly takes Ava's hand, bringing it to her lips quickly before letting her go.

And this is the last moment everyone is together.

They begin to load up.

Ava stands at the gates, watching her warriors stock the vans with weapons and armor, watching them step into the vehicles and strap in, double-checking their ammunition and blades. Beatrice is directing warriors by squad, clipboard in hand, pointing and motioning where sisters and weapons go. Ava stares at her wistfully, longingly, fearfully.

And a comforting figure comes up beside her, arms crossed, following her gaze.

"How are you feeling?"

Ava shakes her head slightly. "One of your shotgun shells might have to be for me on that battlefield. Make sure you save a round."

Mary looks at her then, sensing her sincerity. "I will."

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