Isaiah 43:4

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"Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life."

Ava walks back to the van in a daze. The devil went through a whirlwind of emotions, it's hard to tell which were real and which were lies. But something about it all... Ava feels he was spilling the truth. That every word, he meant.

When she reaches the van the sliding door yanks open, and Beatrice is there in its opening. With a worried yet relieved expression, she holds out her hand as she draws near. And as Ava crosses the threshold into the vehicle, the Warrior Nun returns to the place in her heart, and Ava Silva emerges.

She sits across from Beatrice, the door sliding shut behind her and Camila already getting them back on the road. Her love watches her carefully, elbows on knees, leaning forward so she can get close without being directly next to her.

"Well, I'd say that went pretty well if you ask me," Ava grins, glancing between each of her sisters.

Mary gives her a nod of agreement and Camila offers a prideful smile, but Beatrice and Superion don't look as satiated. In fact, they look almost worse than before she went in.

"What?" Ava asks, looking at each of them.

"He is the devil, Ava. How much of that was truth and how much was a ruse, we don't know," Superion tells.

"I believe him."

"Darling," Beatrice starts, looking at her with a shake of her head.

"I do! He seemed... sincere, and genuine. What reason does he have to lie?"

"We are at war. He has all the reason. Anything to throw us off his trail, to rattle us." Beatrice grows softer with this next part. "He seemed to accomplish that."

Ava sputters, baffled. "No! You don't... You don't get it. You weren't there with him, you weren't seeing him move, his expressions, his... pain. I could feel it, I know it! It was real, what he was saying."

Her love nods, not wanting to fight, never wanting to fight. "Okay."

"It was real," Ava repeats.

And sometimes, real doesn't have to mean true.

The rest of the drive is silent leading into the Cat's Cradle. The moment they pull to a stop in front of the gates, Ava is yanking open the door and climbing out. Beatrice is after her, keeping her distance but following dutifully.

Camila and Mary are quick to fall in line beside her, muttering their words as Beatrice keeps her eyes on Ava's back.

"So. How much of it do we think was the truth?" Mary asks.

"She's pretty steadfast in her resolve that he was being genuine. Maybe we trust in her judgment? She's learned from the best in that regard," Camila offers, crossing her chest.

"Still, why would he let her in on that much personal information? That much truth? He just lined up his entire backstory for her, told her that Adriel was his brother, the whole origin of the Halo. What would give him cause to think he could trust her with that information?"

"Kindred spirits," Beatrice finally offers, and the two girls let that revelation sink in.

Beatrice leaves them behind as Ava enters the Cradle, turning down the hall toward their room. Still, she keeps her distance, allowing Ava to decide how close she's allowed to get. How long she's allowed to follow.

The Warrior Nun reaches their room's door and as she goes through it, Beatrice pauses, awaiting the door to slam, to shut her out, to give her space. But it doesn't come. It is silent, and she continues down the hall slowly, her hands in her pockets, and she comes to the doorframe.

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