1 Peter 5:8

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"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."

They're going after Lilith. Beatrice, Camila, Mary, Yasmine, and a few other sisters who weren't wiped out from the last battle have been driving out to the last location the half-demon pinged. Now, they reach it, Beatrice slowing the van when Camila holds up her fist.

It's night. They waited for darkness so they'd be better hidden. Beatrice feels better in her new-found security with Ava after her and Superion's talk. She's clear-headed. The tracker has brought them to the middle of Prati, nothing on either side of them but shops and housing complexes. 

They step out, Camila looking up at their surroundings in confusion. "It says she's right here."

"Maybe she took off her crucifix?" Beatrice offers.

"She hasn't at this point. I think she wants us to know her location."

The group looks around for a clue or sign, but there's nothing but the quiet street and soft murmur of conversation from a restaurant around the corner.

Beatrice takes everything in, all the domesticity, trying to find something out of the ordinary, but she comes up with nothing. Her eyes lower to the street they stand on, looking for something dropped onto the cobblestone, and there she sees a missing piece.

A manhole cover.

"What about underneath?" Beatrice asks, wandering over and standing above it.

"The Catacombs," Camila gushes.

"Bit on the nose, isn't it?" Mary says, but the group joins her in standing over the metal plate.

"Says 'Shotgun Mary'."

Mary chuckles at that. "Man, Silva really did a number on you guys. The Camila I knew would have kept that one to herself."

"It was too good not to share."

"Enough," Beatrice interrupts. 

She calms herself, wanting to get this mission completed and done, without loss. For some reason, this feels bigger than what they've gone up against before. She's uneasy with the absence of Ava. Not just because she misses her, but because she was a necessary power. A divine strength the lot of them are lacking. 

"We get in, we find the battery, we get out. No casualties. Got it?"

"Yes, boss," Mary nods, serious as she says it.

"Good. Alright." Beatrice inhales deeply. "Let's go."

The first time Ava was taken from her, Beatrice felt like she was being ripped in two. Like her heart was splitting in half, right down the middle, pulled from her chest and leaving her hollow.

They were attempting to get the Crown of Thorns. Vincent had intercepted them, had placed it on the head of Ava and incapacitated her. Beatrice could only watch in horror as the Father picked her up over his shoulder and walked away. With each step, the more Beatrice ached.

She had growled Ava's name, loudly and panicked, hands on the bars of the gate that had come down to separate them. A feeling similar to when she first witnessed Ava be hit washed over her, but this was scorching. Fiery brimstone and molten. She was surprised the metal bars she held didn't melt.

Shear will pulled her from the gate, away from the last sights of Ava. She would not stop until they were reunited, no matter how long she hunted. If it were hours or days or years, Beatrice had decided instantly that her life's purpose was simply Ava.

Warrior Nun Season 3Where stories live. Discover now