Romans 13:4

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"For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer."

A week into Ava being back, Camila tracks down the mirror.

It's been seven days of Beatrice following Ava, and Ava following Beatrice. Each of them leads classes, each of them eats meals together, and each of them goes to bed as one. They're trying to soak up as much time that they have together, to make every second count.

They're really making up for it under the covers.

Beatrice can hardly keep her hands off Ava during the day, and Ava does little to stop their roaming. All the warrior thinks about is the prospect of nighttime, and what they'll get up to once the door to their bedroom closes.

It's bliss. Freedom. Beatrice has repressed the part of herself that wanted that type of pleasure for so long, and now she has it right at her fingertips. It doesn't help that whenever Beatrice reaches for Ava, whenever she tugs on her hem or pulls on her waistband, Ava complies. She leans into her touch, she removes her top, she shucks her pants. She wants Beatrice just as much as Beatrice wants her.

But their momentary serenity is cut off by Camila approaching them during a lesson. The girl shuffles up, skips almost, happy with her newly healed ankle. She pulls them into Superion's office, along with the rest of the core team.

"So, I've been searching the black market database for any reference of the Molten Mirror or any other occult artifacts. It brought me to a region of Romania, specifically in the city of Brasov..." Camila explains.

Yasmine snorts a laugh, Ava turning to her with a raised brow. Everyone else is smiling slightly.

"Am I missing something here?" Ava asks.

"There's really no better place for something so demonic," Vincent tells, making a few others chuckle.

"What? Where is it?"

"Transylvania," Beatrice tells. "The mirror is in the land of vampires."

A short train ride later, the team finds themselves strolling down cobblestone streets, necks perpetually craned up at the pointed buildings and red roofs. Superion had asked for Camila, Yasmine, Mary, Beatrice, and--of course--Ava, to retrieve the mirror. A team any larger than the five would be cause for suspicion, but this just looks like a group of girlfriends going on a summer trip to Dracula's homeland.

Camila leads them, following the coordinates on her tablet to the last known location of the mirror from a buyer. Yasmine keeps pace with her, letting the nun explain her system and tech as the rookie nods and hums in learning. Mary is in the middle a half-step behind, head on a swivel for eyes on them. And Beatrice and Ava bring up the rear, the warrior's hands firmly cemented in her pockets and resisting the urge to reach out and hold Ava's fingers, wrap an arm around her waist, put a hand on her back. She's on a mission, this is serious business, and as good of a distraction Ava is from the chaos which is their life, she is not a good distraction from the task at hand. Still, the Warrior Nun knows this, but she can't keep up the temptation to touch her love either, and she brushes Beatrice's shoulder with her own every chance she gets.

Camila stops them outside of a ramshackle antique-looking shop, with a tilted roof and uneven steps. The door is wonky and painted a brilliant orange, though it's chipping and nicked. There's a hand-made sign hanging deftly above it that reads "Enter freely and of your own free will!"

"Not ominous at all," Yasmine quips.

"Don't mind if I do!"

Ava shoves past everyone, yanking open the door and waltzing inside to the darkness. It slams behind her and Mary sighs, grabbing the handle and holding it open for everyone else.

Warrior Nun Season 3Where stories live. Discover now