Chapter 3

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At around 7 A.M., we see a flying bison landing on Air Temple Island. As the bison lands, Akira is the first to get off and makes his way to the temple in less than a minute.

After going to his room, he quickly showered and did his usual hygiene ritual. Once all of this was completed, he made his way to the training ground of the temple and did a few airbending movements as a way to warm himself up.

When he finished with his warm-up, he started getting more heated in his training and started blasting a few air blasts from his palm. 

Immediately after using his airbending, he started earthbending the ground into the air and continuously proceeded to slice apart the earth in the air with airbending.

After a couple of minutes, he sculpted the earth into a training dummy and started to gather chi in his right palm. After a couple of seconds of this happening, there seems to be a blue swirling sphere of energy in his palm and what happens next is astounding. 

Akira rushes towards the dummy slams the sphere of chi onto the dummy and proceeds to grind the dummy apart due to the sheer destructive force of the sphere of chi.

"Wow. It has been a while since I have tested this and with all that has happened, I would have forgotten if it was not for Grandmother and Korra." He said.

When he completed his training for the day, Akira made his way to the dining hall after taking a quick shower and proceeded to take his seat. He was a little surprised to see it was around midday and that he was training for so long.

Once everyone was gathered at the dining, they all had their lunch. Just as Akira was about to take a bite of his food, he heard the phone ringing from the living room. Tenzin just shakes his head and makes his way over to the telephone and what he hears does not seem to be good.

"Father, is there something the matter?" Akira asked though his only reply was a sigh and a shake of his head.

"Your mother wants me to come to the station and make sure that the Avatar is safely brought back to the Southern Water Tribe." He said.

"Well then, can I come? I wish to see how mother is at this time of the day." The only indication Akira got was a sigh and a nod of acceptance.


As both father and son made their way to the Metal Bending Police Station, Akira was a little overjoyed to see his mother again.

Once inside, they proceed to make their way to the holding cells of the station as per the request of the Chief of the Police Station and Akira's mother. When they got to the holding cell Tenzin asked one of the station workers to get the chief for him though, he only looked at them and told them to follow him. Akira saw this and could only shake his head.

As soon as they came to where the chief wanted them to come, the station worker knocked on the door and asked for permission to come in and that Councilmen Tenzin was there to see him. The only thing he got was a gruff voice telling them to come in. When Akira went inside, he was caught by surprise as both women were glaring at each other. The only thing Tenzin did was cough into his hand and proceeded to greet her.

"Hello Lin. Your looking radiant as ever." He said. Akira could only look at his father as if he was a fool, which as of this moment, he is considering it. And it seems as though his mother agrees with him if the narrowing of her eyes is any indication. 

"Hello, mother. I hope you are doing well today." Akira said in his usual soft tone of voice.

His mother seems to have liked this as her face looked to have been reduced in age by several years and a small smile was present on her face.

"Hello, Akira. I am doing fine, though I have not seen you for a while." She replied as her face soon shifted from a pleased one to one of annoyance. The only thing Akira did was give his father a pointed stare as if that was the only answer to her question.

"Ahh. I see now. It was due to your father that you could not see me. Am I right in this assumption?" She said. Her only conformation was a nod of his head.

"Anyway back to the topic at hand. Tenzin, why is the Avatar here in Republic City? Shouldn't she be back at the South Pole learning airbending from you?" She said as all the softness that was once on her face disappeared as she put on her professional face.

"There was a bit of trouble and the other council members wanted me here to help in this equalist rally. As for the Avatar, she will immediately be sent back to the South Pole." He said in a tone that left no room for arguing.

A couple of minutes pass by as Both Korra and Tenzin leave the station without Akira as he wants to have some time alone with his mother. He did not get these chances much and he was going to take advantage of it.


It was around Midnight when Akira finally made his way back to Air Temple Island and went inside without making a sound. He did not need to because it seemed like everyone was already awake and chatting with each other.

"What's going on around here, and shouldn't you kids be asleep by now?" He asked. He saw almost everyone was there including the kids and surprisingly Korra as well.

"We were but Dad is finally teaching Korra airbending and let her stay." Replied Ikki in her usual happy tone of voice.

"Ahh. I see. However, that does not excuse you for being awake at this time. If you want to help Korra in her airbender training, then you must be sleeping so that you can have the energy to help out." Akira said as he was chastising the kids.

Immediately, they all made their way to their rooms and promptly closed their respective doors as he went to his room to catch some rest. He knew that tomorrow would be a long day.

Okay, Guys. I would like to thank those who have been reading my story so far and as you can see, I usually write about 1K words. This is how long I can do for now though it might increase in the coming days.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and see you next time.

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