Closure -1 ( Akshnav 's daughter)

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I genuinely want to say abhira fans if you don't like it please don't read further but if you read further and start spewing hate comments then I will get into war zone too. This is my story this is my imagination. This is the first part there will be other characters pov too. Criticism in writing style , grammar is welcome. Enjoy!

Abhisha Sharma stood outside the Goenka mansion for a long time. This has been her home for the first eight years of life before she was dragged away to boarding school.

Her fingers skimmed the iron bars of the gate , the gate where as a child she always swinged on while her muskan bua used to feed her. The front porch where Ruhi Didi taught her to make butterflies, the garden where he planted saplings promising her of a happy and bright future. She took a deep breath and willed herself not to think of him. Then she scoffed upon herself. Who was she kidding ? Every day she thinks to not think of him and yet he is the sole conqueror of her almost all thoughts.

"Di" The cheerful shriek made her look at the 16year old goof ball running towards her .
Laughter rose out of her as Kashish Goenka crashed into her arms.

"Di, I missed you so much "

" I too missed you my Kashu" She pulled away from her " Let me see you properly, you have grown up so much now " She kissed on her forehead.
"But you don't come visit me anymore at all ji " Kashish said getting all angry.

Abhisha smiled. She looked exactly like Muskan bua , the same nose , the same eyes. Only her mouth was like Kairav Mamu . Otherwise her attitude , her nature everything was the same as Muskan bua . Abhisha was relieved because she didn't know if she could ever handle one more typical goenka or birla.

"I am sorry " She apologised . It's not that she didn't want to visit. But she was scared. Bade Nanu always said that she resembled Naira Nani , He called her Chutki Sherni. But she didn't know if that was true for she was scared of coming back , scared of facing everyone and the thought that most terrified her was what if no one remembered her, what if he didn't remember her.
She blinked back the tears as Kashish said something " Huh ? What did you say ?"
" I said let's go in , everyone's there."

Everyone She thought with grimly. Who is everyone?
She still wanted to turn back from here. She would not have even come if not for Mimi. She was taking her last breath and wanted all her family with her. Abhisha inwardly chuckled. Was she really considered as family or they just called her as formality. She didn't know why she was even called. People talk to their distant relatives even at least once a year but this family , the only people she has talked to in these years were Muskan bua , Arohi Maasi, Bade nanu Nani ,Kashish, and Ruhi Di.

The people inside could be categorised into three groups - one who loved her, one who hated her and one who were neutral.
She didn't know which category he belonged to.

As she entered the first step inside the house she couldn't help but rove her eyes around the place. This was once what she considered home.
She recognised Manjiri ji who looked at her with wide eyes and her mouth opened as she was in a lot pain. Abhisha rolled her eyes . This was nothing new. Manjiri ji always gave this expression when she cursed her for ruining her son's life. Abhisha sometimes wondered how illogical and stupid that woman is.

Her eyes came upon Abhir and she straightened. He looked angry just like his grandmother. When she was small she loved Abhir a lot , she was told he was her only brother so she always wanted his attention , wanted him to play with her. But he hated her. Her little heart used to break when on every rakhi he refused to tie rakhi from her. He was one of the main reasons she was sent to boarding school.

A seven year old Abhisha ran after Abhir. It was Rakhi and this time she was determined to tie him Rakhi.
"Abhir Bhai" She called after him.
Abhir turned towards her sharply " I am not your Bhai "
"You are ... you are we have the same mother" Abhisha whined.
Abhir fumed like a bull and marched towards Abhisha " She is my mother ,only mine . You were not needed. Shiv ji should have not let you come to this world ."

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