Closure -3 (Abhimanyu Birla)

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Day and night were not different anymore.There was no difference.
He didn't have peace at either times.
In the morning he was forced to converse with everyone carrying a smile and at nights he didn't have to smile but he was haunted by dreams, people and memories. . Though mornings were better he could hide in hospital no one to confront him but at nights he was vulnerable. Neil and Sharmaji often questioned him for which he had no answers .He didn't speak about it to anyone because he knew he didn't deserve it , didn't deserve the peace.

He always created storms hence it was his sole responsibility to be bearer of his actions.

The reflection in the mirror didn't look like him. The sagged shoulders, wrinkled skin , deep dark circles. He was nothing like his old self. Nothing like the man Akshara fell in love , nothing like the man nothing whom Abhir called Docman and then unwillingly Dadda.

He had a myriad of emotions swirling inside him and he wanted to shout and express himself but he could not , all his life he has screamed and created scenes hurting others. He won't repeat the history by pouring off his frustrations on others.

As Abhimanyu walked out of the bathroom drying his hair he saw Akshara sprawled out on the bed. These years had matured her , no traces of the clumsy childish girl he had met then. A more matured and aged woman had replaced her. Yet she was still beautiful, his first love , his only love . He would always love her till his heart beat  he will love her.

Abhimanyu knew Akshara married him because of Abhir and they have kept it that way , they were not a couple infront of others but rather they were friends not the best ones but polite ones and inside the walls of their rooms they were almost strangers like distant roommates.

Abhimanyu didn't mind it actually. He was glad it went that way because he knew
if Akshara wanted an actual relationship he would have messed that up too. Though he need not worry about it that much. Akshara was good at handling his maa, pretending that everything was perfect infront of her but he knew Akshara died the day she had to give Abhisha away . She gave excuses of Abhir not to pacify Abhisha but to console herself, console her heart that still belonged to Sharmaji .

This was one of the biggest mistake Abhimanyu had committed. If he wanted he could have done everything right. Abhir was a kid , it would not have been that hard to make him understand, even though he inherited his anger he had Sharmaji's upbringing in him. Abhimanyu could have  shifted with Akshara and Abhir living away from all this toxicity but he stayed. Stayed for his mother, the same mother that manipulated Abhir as she did with him. Or maybe she didn't manipulate him , it was his love for her that made him selfish. He loved her so much that he could not leave her. His mother was not wrong she just wanted his happiness although she never realised his happiness lies in Akshara's happiness.

He was selfish for he knew his mother would never confront her would always support him even in his most wrong decisions.
Even if it was cruel he could not lose another person from his side. All his strength his anger were a lie he always had lived a protected life living under his mother's pallu.
Neither did he stop Akshara from giving away Abhisha not did he try to make Abhir love Abhisha just to appease his mother.

He had no one to talk to , his mother would never understand him , Akshara didn't talk to him . The only person who would have understood him was Neil but he was no more and Abhimanyu wasn't brave enough to talk with him after what he did to his daughter.

Funny, he always thought there would be only two woman in his heart, his mother and Akshara but his heart was made up of the two girls Ruhi and Abhisha. Neither were his daughters, the only connection he had with them was their fathers. Neil was his brother his confidant, he didn't have that bond with anyone until Sharmaji.
Neil and Sharmaji both were similar . They were kind, innocent and too good for this cruel world. They were too trusting. Wasn't this trust of Sharmaji that took his life?

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