Missing moments (Akshnav)-3

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Abhinav held his wife's hand tightly as they both stared at the black dot on the screen. Their baby. The baby they have created by their love. The baby which was just a word till now became so much more real now.

Silent tears left both their eyes as they smiled tearfully.
Though the next words of the doctor uttered vanished her smile.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Sharma you are going to be parents of twins."

They have returned home and Akshara had been silent on the whole ride. Abhinav had not even tried to initiate a conversation. He himself was quite shocked.

It was almost midnight when he had crept back in the bed and held her in his arms.

"Why do God makes me dream of happiness if he can't provide it?"

"Maybe because he has bigger happiness ahead "

She faced him and snuggled her face into his chest. Hot tears streamed down her face and quiet broken sobs came out .

She struggled to speak " My baby, Abhinav my baby died. It's almost a miracle Abhir lived but my other child. I didn't even mourn properly over my child, I am a horrible mother."

Her each words cut him to the core yet he didn't speak. No words could console her. She needed to pour out her emotions that has been bottled up within her. He let her cry to get her free .
So he did the thing he could do the best . He held her tightly in his embrace for the whole night as he and the room were witness of her mourning.

Akshara had not left the bed the next morning. Abhinav had taken a day off and it was him who had sent Abhir school that day.
When their son had asked about the whereabouts of his mother he had replied that his mother was missing someone very dear to her.

He had prepared breakfast, tea with parathe and taken it to bed .

"I have not brushed my teeth" A tired , tangled hair Akshara mumbled within the blanket.

"If you eat breakfast without brushing your teeth once , it won't lead all the germs in the world to your stomach "

She poked her head out the blanket looking like a tortoise from its shell and looked at the plate in his hand.

She was sad, wasn't she ? She was allowed to be a bit unhygienic in depression and the parathes looked super yummy. She could brush after eating it.

Abhinav did a mental victory dance as Akshara sat up , the blanket still wrapped around her and looked at him with big die eyes.
She opened her mouth indicating him to feed her and he immediately got on with his duty .
After finishing the last drop of the tea and parathas a satisfied belch rose up her throat.

They sat there a few moments in silence. The morning sunray infiltrated through the window lighting and warming up the room.

"What if the past repeats itself?" Akshara could not help but question. She has been scared out of her wits since yesterday. She was so happy the last time. Abhimanyu was a doctor himself and he took such great care of her yet one of her child had... She refused to get into that direction again.

"It won't" Abhinav declared .

"You can't say that." No-one can predict the future. Last time she had been so sure that nothing would happen yet... Everything changed. She lost her child , her husband her family. What if the history repeat ? Will she lose Abhinav this time ? She wouldn't be able to survive heartbreak again . She knew Abhinav was Abhimanyu yet she could not help but fear. The what ifs were raiding her mind with constant terror.

Abhinav took her hand in his " Then we deal with it together" .

She looked at him. His eyes shone with sincerity,love and dedication ready to slay any demon she faced.
How has she gotten so lucky ? She would not be surprised if someone revealed that she had saved the universe in her previous life.

"Akshara" Her name from his mouth was a mixture of loving, consoling and supporting gesture.
"We will try our best without having any negative thoughts, and I will always support you whether the future be good or bad."

He kissed her forehead and Akshara's eyes fluttered . He always knew the right things to do and say. No she could not let her past her pessimistic side win. She would fight for her family. Her Abhinav, Abhinav and their future.

She entwined their arms and rested her shoulder on his head.
"Your massacra is ruined, by the way "
Akshara side glanced at him and opened her phone to check it out. "Oh my god! I look terrible" She cried out . Indeed two black lines flowed down her eyes making her look like some kind of joker.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" She accused and glared at him.
"I was about to tell but I was scared of you as you have power of three persons now." Abhinav confessed though it would have been better if he didn't spoke as he
was soon hit by a pillow.

The second half of this is written by me with a hungry stomach. After three tiring lectures I was very hungry. Today's menu had okra and brinjal curry and I love okra. All excited I stood in line waiting for my turn but a commotion started, why ? Because a lizard was found in the curry. So now the authorities are searching for the origin of lizard.
I added the tea and paratha scene as I imagined myself to be Akshara and eating them.

This was a little serious Os, the next one will be funny. Probably will be updating tonight.

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