MAD DEVIL !!! - Os

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WARNING - Weak hearted people don't read. It contains scenes of violence and blood !!!

Read on your own risk 🔞🔞🔞🔞

Akshara sat on her bed in Goenka mansion. She has come home with Bade Papa after Abhimanyu has thrown divorce papers on her face . Abhimanyu the love of her life, her prince charming had left her. He blamed her for Neil's death for their babies death. She blamed herself too. If only she had not gone. She had lost her children, her husband, her family within a span of few hours. Abhimanyu was right , Arohi was right too , she indeed was a bad omen ruining everyone and everything.
She killed her mother , then Sirat's mumma and also manjari... Her thoughts stopped.

"Manjari maa" The name of that woman left a metallic taste on her tongue.

She was the reason of everything. Yes...yes it was her. Sure, her Abhi was angry on her but he would not have divorced her. She instigated him , she forced him to divorce her.
Manjari maa was herself a woman yet she had not understood her pain .
She even snatched her Abhi from her .

Akshara wiped her tears . She was determined to fulfill Manjari maa happy which in turn will make her Abhi happy. If her Abhi becomes happy they will get married again this time in a more pompous way. She will be reunited with her other half afterall they were shiv parvati jodi.

Shefali who had been sitting with Manjari for past hour just went outside for attending a call. Manjari was sobbing clutching her pallu to her mouth. She wanted her Abhi , he had taken Arohi to hospital for checkup as she had been experiencing discomfort. Her children , Neil , Abhi. She had lost her child. Her Neil was a sunshine, happy child. He was about to become a father but he lost his life. No no... he didn't lose his life , he was robbed of his life and happiness because of her,Akshara. She was a bad sign, she was a curse she ruined both her son's life . She would never forgive her .Never!!!

Her eyes snapped at the ping of her phone.
Her phone almost slipped through her hands when she read the message on it.

"If you want to meet your son Neil then come to the warehouse behind the Mahadev temple in an hour".

Her grip on the phone tightened . Her Neil. She can meet her Neil. Her Neil who has died. He was dead , his body was cremated , then how ? But what if Neil was really there . Hope bloomed in her chest. Neil, she would be able to meet her Neil.
Manjari left the house without alerting anyone . In the wishes of seeing her son.

By the time Manjari reached it was almost midnight. The streets were empty,eerily quiet. The night felt extremely cold, no breeze touched her skin yet wind wheezing could be heard.

The warehouse was surrounded by wild bushes, the entrance looked like it has not been used for years.
It looked haunted , evil, doomed. But Manjari didn't stop. She was too gone in madness of seeing her son alive.

The door sang a creak when it was opened. Manjari stepped in. It was too dark inside, no one present there. As she walked further, the door behind her clicked shut. She turned around hands on her chest clutched together. Still staring at the door she took a step backwards then another then another.

"Ah!!" She yelped as she tripped and fell down.
She groaned taking her feet in her hands. Her foot has sprained . Tears blurred her vision. If only her Neil was here...

"You came to meet your dead son here in sandals,Maa not very motherly of you, is it ?"

She froze at the voice. Her eyes grew wide as she turned towards the voice.

"Ak..akshara" She whispered.

Seated on a table was Akshara. A single yellow coloured light hung on her head illuminating poorly through the place. She was still in the white dress Manjari saw her earlier that day. Her legs were crossed with an arm supporting as she leaned backwards. Her eyes staring her down while her lips were turned upwards.

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