Closure- 5 (Final part)

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Abhisha has been shocked on receiving the call from Akshara . She didn't go to Abhimanyu's funeral, she knew it would have created a scene. She has been heartbroken on learning his death but that was it. She didn't cry as much as she expected, she loved him but she just could not cry .

Back to her mother , she has asked Abhisha for her one day . She didn't know what her mother was going to do with the one day but against her better judgement she was now standing at Shimla airport waiting for Akshara.

"Abhisha" Akshara waved her swinging her hands out through the rolled window of the car. Abhisha walked towards the car with small steps. She gave a small akward smile and climbed inside.

She choked on air as she saw Abhir sitting at the driver seat. What the - Was Mrs Birla insane ? Did Abhimanyu uncle 's passing away affect her mentally. She and Abhir in the same closed space a total recipe of storm.

Abhisha sat stiffly waiting for the verbal abuse thrown her way but nothing came. She looked at Abhir who was tense clutching the steering so tightly that his knuckles were white. But he kept his mouth shut. As she looked at her mother she found her mother looking outside the window fondly as if remembering each detail. So Abhisha decided the same , relaxing herself she looked outside the window. The scenery was to die for . The mountains and trees were far more beautiful than the contained space she was sitting.

The car stopped infront of a house . Abhisha stepped out and couldn't take her eyes off it , the house looked like a doll house cute , beautiful and most importantly homely.
She looked at her mother who was now looking at the house without blinking even the always grumpy Abhir was looking at it with such an emotion that she could not decipher.

Her mother was now grazing the dirty brown gates. The gate was chained together with a lock covered in rust.

"Whose house is this ?" Her question was met with a melancholic smile of her mother " Yours , it's your home, this was the place your father and I started our marriage."

She was stunned. This was her home. Her home. The words sounded strange yet alluring. Her home. If her father would have been alive she would have lived here.

Akshara opened the lock with a click. And Abhisha could swear she felt her heart open a bit too.

Seeing her still standing outside Akshara invited her softly " Come in ".

She entered the premises with bobbing throat. The soil seemed to seep through her shoes touching her feet . Wind bellowing singing as if welcoming her. The cool air blanketing her in its embrace.

The first step of the house made her feel an intense urge to bend and touch her head there. She had seen bigger houses than this but this house it had a different charm.

Birla house is bigger than this, Abhir thought as he walked behind Abhisha. This house was small , he didn't even have his own room here but yet the comfort that caressed him seeing on it was other worldly. It has been so long since he felt this calm , this serene.
Abhir knew the reason actually , Birla house was his house yet this was his home.

His mother has forced him to come here . When he protested he was slapped. And more than the slap what shocked him was that his mother's eyes held no remorse instead it seemed to say 'I should have done this long before '.

His father has passed away. He had lost his father twice. First, Abhir stopped his thought process there, it felt like committing a sin to address Abhimanyu as his father here.

Abhisha looked around the cosy home. If outside of the house was a cold airconditioner then inside was a warm heater. So comfortable that she almost purred from the pleasure. The house radiated complete homely vibes. Vibrant wall colours competed with the sunlight infiltrating through the door.

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