5-18-2020 last update

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This is me and my sister's persona 5 Royal larping, commentary thing. It is very dumb, makes zero sense, and it will make you lose braincells.
We basically made up our own side stories as jokes between playing the game.
It is all a bunch of bullshit so don't take it so seriously 😂
It is also very poorly written.

***********Skip this if you want to go in blind******


- Bakira= Akira's name but with a B in front of it
- The Muchachos= The name we gave for "The Phantom Thieves"
- Marukiki= The nickname we gave Maruki
- There is a Lowes across from Shujin
- Pollen man= Mr. Yoshida
- Ian= What we call Shido since he looks like Ian from Alvin and the chipmunks
- The El Soldados= The Muchachos when they get drafted. It is basically just them in military outfits in mementos or in the palaces. ONLY THE BOYS!!! The girls can get drafted only under special circumstances.
- On 6/9 the tv studio field trip, Ryuji brought a mask of his own face so he could sleep while it seemed like he was awake. Because this was on live tv he became a national meme.
- Bobechi= Nickname we gave to Akechi, replaced the Ak with Bob instead lol dw it's pronounced Bo-bechi
- The lore behind this playthrough is that Akira from original p5 fell down a dimension to the p5R timeline, so now he is reliving the events of p5 but now the royal edition.
- In this dimension he's actually related to Sojiro and Futaba for some reason. Don't ask me how.
- Reed= What Kasumi wants to be called. It's based on her favorite color red but Idk i guess she's dyslexic or some shit.
- The Fat man= Kaneshiro lmao
- Roocus= We make dumbass references and crossovers to other games, this one being Lucas from mother 3 lmao. Yusuke is his art teacher hehe
- Akira is very gay coded here because guess what he is very gay idc that he can date the girls my boy is gay as hell fight me
- The Jellyfish Jam= That one song from Spongebob when Spong takes his abusive jellyfish back to the fields and a groovy song plays.
- Prison man land= What Ryuji calls Shujin, since Shujin is Japanese for prison
- Dad= Just Sojiro lmao. We make him more older than he actually is I dunno why cause it's funny? We exaggerated his age lol.
- Madaram= What the kiddos call Madarame. Idk why, it's just without the e. They pronounce it Mad-ah-ram.
- The kiddos at Shujin really love Marukiki cause not only does he give them snacks and candy, but he also has a fridge and a microwave that he lets the kids use, so during lunch a bunch of them line up outside his room to heat up their lunches or to get some snaccs lol. First come first served.
- Makoto-oto= Ryuji's nickname for Makoto. Sometimes Ryuji extends it and goes: Makoto-oto, oto, oto, oto....
- Ryujeye= Ryuji's and Akira's nickname for Ryuji. Replaced the "jee" with a "ji" sound. Or just Ryuj...EYE.
- Purple man/Enojado man= code names for Yusuke. Sometimes Ryuji and Akira call him the Purple man, not to be confused with PURPLE GUY. Enojado man is Yusuke whenever he is enraged and jealous.
- Oboomera= What the Muchachos called Okumura. Since he is a boomer.
- The Big peep hallway= What we call Akechi's school.
- The Red star from Mario= A red star that appears in Mario Galaxy that allows the user to fly for a limited time. A bombastic song plays during this.
- Ghetto man= Iwai lmao
- Eggman= The SIU director or Sae and Akechi's boss guy. He has an egg head.
- The man behind the slaughter= Whom the muchachos call the "black guy" who murders people in the metaverse (aka Akechi). This name is a reference to purple guy from Five nights at Freddys.
- Neku= Some ghetto fifteenth year old who is a menace and an international meme in Japan. He's actually just some guy from The World Ends With You game, but since that game also takes place in Shibuya I put him here as a little cameo. Neku is a meme because he gets really mad in public and slams his nuggets on the sidewalk. People think it's funny and they take videos of themselves pissing Neku off. He says the most wildest things, so eveyone is always entertained to see what Neku would do next. He also is a menace cause he graffiti's everywhere around town. Lately he's been graffitiing the phrase "INSA......NITy" around Udagawa, and it began to spread to the point where kids at Shujin are graffiiting it in the bathrooms.

Persona 5 Royal Commentary: FUNNYSONAWhere stories live. Discover now