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Yuki's POV

I sat next to kyo as the preacher was speaking. I was lost in thought and felt empty, right now all I wanted to do was go home and cry. I just wanted her back, I wanted her here in my arms so I could tell her everything is alright. Not even kyo could comfort me right now he had a strange aruora to him and it made me feel uneasy. "And with that said we have a guest here to speak for the lost, Yuki?" I looked up at the sound of my name and stood I placed a flower on the pearl colored casket and proceeded to walk towards the podium. I have to admit the funeral was nice the dress they put her in was the one I got her for her birthday and her hair was curled and pinned up giving her a peaceful look. The scenery consisted of her favorite flowers (I'm guessing) lilacs and white roses the funeral took place outside under a large white oak creating a beautiful scene. I pulled out the paper I had wrote on but thought better and put it away. "Tohru was an amazing girl she always was cheerful and happy she lightened the mood where ever she went she was caring and hopeful" I puased looking at the casket " So hopeful. And she didn't deserve this she had a long life to live and she would have lived it to the fullest if she could have... I loved her and never told her and now she's gone" I was crying now and so was everyone else " I never told her those sweet words and now I never will because of my blindness and this tragedy" I walked off the podium to my car and drove away. Tears clouding my vision making it hard to see but I didn't care because I never told her I loved her. But then it hit me. Kyo. What if kyo killed tohru? What if he wants to kill me now? I don't love him. I love tohru.

PAIN? (sequel to "love?") BoyXBoyWhere stories live. Discover now