Truth be Told

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I ran over to his unconscious body. "My sweet Yuki please get up"I know he doesn't love me but still I love him. I don't want him to get hurt. I looked around to see why he could be unconscious. I noticed a knife and blood. No no no! I picked up the knife and noticed that it had blood stains. I checked Yuki's wrist. None. I checked his sides. Bingo. He had deep gashes cut along his side some were fine but others had to be stitched up. I laid him on the bed and got the first aid kit. I stitched his wounds first then cleaned the others. When I was done I wrapped a bandage around his stomach and sides. I sat there and just stared at his pale face and buetiful silver hair. "Why?" I asked sadly as he just laid there unconscious. I heard the front door open and close. I sighed and walked down stairs. "Hello kyo" it was akito "Why are y-you here?" I stuttered a bit. I mean this guy terrified me. "I came to see how Yuki was doing" I stared in disbelief. The guy who hurt Yuki for so many years was concerned about him now. "He's asleep you'll have to come later" I said crossing my arms over my chest. He hung his head "Okay I'll see you later" he walked out the house leaving me alone. I walked to the kitchen and began to cook. "When Yuki wakes up he'll be hungry" I heard a thud come from upstairs. I ran up the stairs to my room. Yuki was standing in front of the mirror looking at himself he was crying uncontrollably. "Yuki?" he looked at me and ran into my arms "kyo she's gone and its all my fualt" guilt burned inside me because it wasn't his fault it was mine I killed her and now he's suffering. Now he's getting hurt and its my fault.

PAIN? (sequel to "love?") BoyXBoyWhere stories live. Discover now