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"Why are we in the library again?"

"I needed to sign up to be a tutor, the extra money goes towards art supplies." Money had been tight after the death of Lisa's father, as Chitthip's (mother) job as the school's athletic trainer didn't offer much money. 

Seunghyun's (father) job as an engineer at NASA had provided the bulk of funds, so Lisa was left to pay for her own supplies more often than not.

"So that'll take two seconds?"

"Yes Xiumin, I just wanted someone to come with me and everyone else is too lazy."

"Done! We can head back now."

"Great! I have a piece of chocolate cake waiting for me with my name on it, and if Kai steals it again I'm going to need you to help me bury his body."

"Of course," Lisa agreed solemnly, a bright smile crossing her face at how serious Xiumin sounded. 

If there was one thing that the Korean boy loved more than physics, it was his mother's homemade chocolate cake, which he practically worshiped. 

Kai had a bad habit of stealing it and evoking the wrath of his usually peaceful best friend, and Lisa would've thought he'd have learned by now, but Kai was nothing if not consistent in his ways.

As they approached the table they'd sat at since freshman year, she could see the chemist's hand snaking into Xiumin's bag.

"If you want to keep that hand I suggest you remove it from my bag, Jongin." The floppy-haired boy threw his hands up into the air in surrender, smiling innocently up at Xiumin.

"Was just looking." He promised

Xiumin resumed his typically happy nature, smiling at his friends. "There's everyone's favorite princess!" Lisa scowled at Suho's nickname for her, laughing as he pulled her onto his lap.

"Could've sworn you were avoiding us."

"Must have something to do with how awful you smell." Lisa teased, sliding off of Suho's lap. 

"Honestly, Suho, do you ever shower?" The male Bae twin clutched at his heart, eyes widening in faux horror.

"If I had anything to say about it, he wouldn't." Irene complained, "The idiot spends forever in there gushing about his hair."

"Hey!" Suho laughed. "Beauty like this doesn't come naturally. And Lisa, I'll have you know that I smell fantastic. I didn't spend thirty dollars on lavender oil for my hair for it to not smell heavenly."

"And you call Lisa princess." Chaeyoung snarked, "If anyone here's the princess, it's you, Suho."

"You bet your ass I am." Suho shot back, flipping his hair to emphasize his point, "Have you seen my body? I'm hot as hell."

"And so modest." Irene mocked.

"If you had my genes, you'd flaunt it too, Irene."

"Suho, we're literally twins."

"Yeah, and it's obvious that I stole all of the beauty in the womb."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Suho." 

"Oh hey, it's Kim."

Almost unconsciously, Lisa's head snapped up to where Chaeyoung was pointing, doe eyes focused on the new girl.

"Wow, Lali, is that drool I see?"

"Shut up, Irene." Lisa glowered, tearing her eyes away from Jennie for a moment to glare at her grinning friend.

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