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Though they'd established a truce of sorts, that didn't mean that the two girls didn't fight. Quite the contrary, the two of them fought all the time.

Of course, under the watchful eye of Sunmi, it was considerably less aggressive than it had been in the beginning, the two decided to approach conflict through diplomacy, but they were both just as stubborn as the other, and neither of them was willing to back down from their viewpoints.

Their conversations were a constant back and forth. Lisa, of course, defended the novel staunchly, and Jennie fought her every step of the way.

"Lisa, the first thing Darcy does is insult Elizabeth, that isn't exactly the proper foundation for a relationship-"

"Well he doesn't know she heard him, and besides, people can change, and grow and-"

"-so would you date someone who called you ugly the first time you met?"

"Nobody would." Lisa shot back. She was many things, but self-conscious about her appearance was not one of them. 

She knew very well what sort of effect she had on people, 'look fantastic'.

"Oh, and I'm the one with the ego problem." Jennie bit back, and there was something about her tone that was almost teasing, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she watched Lisa falter slightly.

For some unfathomable reason, Lisa couldn't bring herself to hate Jennie as much as she previously had. 

The football player had a sort of annoyingly persistent charm, and while she still irritated Lisa to no end, she couldn't help but be amused by her antics. 

Lisa wasn't sure what caused the change in their dynamic. Perhaps it had been the truce, the promise of a ceasefire between them.

She was still annoyed by Jennie's arrogance and her over-inflated ego, that was for sure, but she now found herself looking forward to their debates in English.

"Is that a small smile I see?" Jennie gasped, only furthering Lisa's scowl as the brunette swatted her on the shoulder somewhat playfully.

"Let there be no miscommunication." Lisa responded, "I still think you're an ass."

"Sure you do, princess." Lisa's brows furrowed at the use of the nickname that Suho had given her.

Lisa turned back to the work, pointing out the continuation of the themes throughout the story, and Jennie took notes diligently along with Lisa's words.

It was in the moments like these, where Jennie was actually working, not arguing or sassing or generally making an ass out of herself that Lisa was the most perplexed by her. 

Because in these moments, Jennie seemed like just another student trying to get by and do her homework, not some stuck-up football superstar. 

Lisa's attentive eyes traced the contours of her face, the gentle hollows of her eyes, the curve of her chin, her cheeks, and the plumpness of her lips.

She searched for any imperfections, but she couldn't find them.

In her concentration, Jennie frowned slightly, and Lisa watched the small pull to those pouty, perfect lips, that she had traced with her eyes countless times already purely from an artist's point of view.


Doe's dark brown eyes snapped up to meet brown which was shining with confusion and a degree of amusement.

Lisa cleared her throat awkwardly, shrugging. "Sorry, was staring off into space." The words were said with finality, as though daring Jennie to question the validity of them.

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