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"You did what?"

Busy scrolling through Tumblr and ignoring the math homework eyeing him from the desk, Jae almost didn't hear Jisoo's surprised, somewhat affronted, words.

While he wasn't usually one for eavesdropping, arguments between his sister and his cousin were always amusing to listen to. 

The boy rolled unceremoniously out of his bed, dropping softly onto the carpeted floor, and stealthily making his way closer to Jennie's room, which was where the argument was going down, pressing his ear to the door.

"I asked Henry to get Nayeon into my English class, no biggie." Jae frowned into the door, eyebrows furrowing. 

He didn't need to hear Jisoo's next words, because they were echoed in his own mind. While Jennie had all the complaints in the world about Jiyong and Chaerin Kim and their arrogance, she sure was acting pretty similarly.

He would never voice his opinions, though, because he knew how much resentment his sister held towards their parents, who had been absent for the majority of his life.

It hurt, knowing that they prioritized their business over their own children, and Jae still longed for that parental relationship he was lacking. 

He wanted to be able to joke around with his dad and tell his mom about his soccer games, but those weren't the sort of parents that they were. But Jennie was quickly turning into someone that Jae didn't recognize.

He didn't know what was driving it. Perhaps the change in schools had affected her more than the girl let on, the utter adoration of the students and faculty going to her head. 

He'd noticed it, and it was obvious that Jisoo and Bogum had as well. Her girlfriend, Nayeon, did nothing to stop these changes. If anything, the girl only spurred on Jennie's preening, as the quarterback fluffed up like a peacock whenever Nayeon was around.

The Jennie Jae remembered; who had practically raised him and taught him how to dribble a soccer ball, and how to ride a bike, had driven him to self-defense classes when she found out he was getting picked on for his height. That Jennie would never have taken advantage of someone like that.

Well, that was a lie. Jennie might have because there was a certain level of cunning that the girl possessed, but it wouldn't be for something as trivial as a class in school. 

He tuned out the arguing as he walked silently back to his own room, returning to his bed and resting in complete silence to just think.

Jae decided then that what Jennie needed was someone new in her life. Not necessarily a new girlfriend-though he wasn't opposed to the idea of her breaking up with Nayeon, far from it, actually just someone new. 

Someone that Jennie didn't know well. Someone who wasn't infatuated with the idea of Jennie Kim. Someone who would see Jennie for who she was, challenge her on her arrogance, and call her out when need be.

He wasn't sure who that person was yet. But he was going to find her.


Unknown Number:
Is this Jae? This is Lisa Manoban. I've been assigned as your math tutor. What meeting times are most convenient for you? I'm free after school for about an hour most days.

Yeah, this is Jae. Nice to hear from my savior again. After school works, bc my sister stays after most days. Does starting tomorrow work? I have to grovel to my aunt for breaking her vase tonight.

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