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"WHAT THE FUCK JUNGKOOK!! You should have told your father that you are not going to marry her

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"WHAT THE FUCK JUNGKOOK!! You should have told your father that you are not going to marry her. OHH GOD!!" I watched Taehyung yelled like a pyscho but he was right. I should have told him that. But what's done is done, I can't change that now.

"Can you just stop yelling. You're making me deaf." I threw him an annoyed look that made him look at me with a 'really' look.

"You know what? I'm not helping you in this, you're an ungrateful brat. Just get out from my house." How dare he!!

"Did you just dare to say that me? Say that again and watch me burn this disgusting house of yours." I stated in a stern voice causing him to sigh.

"Oh just shut up. Do you have anything else to do than burning people's house." He snorted before taking a seat next to me as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Look, we should think about something. But who's that girl by the way?" I saw him turning to me with an raised eyebrows.

"The same who threw water on me that night." I completed when I heard a gasp from him. His eyes went round and mouth got slightly opened. He was shocked, off course he would be.

"That bold one? WOWW. You both will make a perfect couple." He laughed that made me wanted to throw a punch on his face.

"Can you just, for once say something which is actually helpful. I don't know why on the earth I came to you at the first place." Rolling my eyes, I got up to left his house.

"Look at you, you're the one who's in need and still so bossy and jerk. Tsk! Let's just sit down and let me think." I smirked at his words before sitting back.

"How about you just go back to your dad and say you're just kidding?" He stated at my face with a blank look.

"Really Taehyung? No, I mean you really want me to go back to my father and say, oh hi father! I just got so drown in emotions after seeing you smile that I couldn't bring myself to say no to you. Actually I wasn't going to marry that girl in the picture. And then wait for him kick me out from my house and property? You know he's more excited than me for my wedding that I wonder if he already started preparing for that and you're telling me this rubbish?" I stated in one breath causing him to nod.

"Right. We should think something else." He got back to think with every sense in his body while I felt myself smirking when I realised that she can be helpful to me.

"I have an idea." I spoke gaining Taehyung's attention.

"Don't. I know how your ideas are. So you better just keep your mouth shut." And it took every bone in my body to not to snap his neck in half.

"I'm telling anyway. So listen." He sighed and turned to me.

"She can help me." I started but he had to interrupt me.

"And how?" 

"I mean isn't it obvious. I need a wife and since my father already thinks that I chose her to marry. So she is the perfect person to fill that roll" I completed rolling my eyes.

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