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We finally arrived at this house- sorry, that was a mansion- twenty minutes after leaving that underground parking lot

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We finally arrived at this house- sorry, that was a mansion- twenty minutes after leaving that underground parking lot. I looked at the sleeping figure in my arms as I sighed.

His entire demeanor changed right when we arrived. He completely ignored me and barely waved me off like a nuisance. I wouldn't say i didn't expected that, but it did hurt.

I'm an emotional bij. Leave me alone.

His behaviour was totally different when haru was awake. God! This bipolar asshole. I stared at the beautiful mansion from the outside, with my mouth agape.

Once the car stops, Jungkook got out and shut the door roughly. I expected him to walk away like a jerk he was. But he did some 'gentleman' thing. He walked my side and opened the door for me.

Oh okay. I quickly got off the car carefully, with a sleeping haru in my arms as he closed the door before walking away.

I tried to catch up to him. We finally reached big front door after 5 minutes of walking and I was already breathless.

He took out the keys and unlocked the door before getting in as I followed him, inside. And believe me, I was astonished to encounter the insides of his mansion, it was alluring.


Jungkook called out right as we enter. Just then hurried footsteps approached us as I saw a women, maybe same age as mine rushed up to us.

"Yes, young master" she replied. Oh, young master? Tsk!

"Take them to a room on my floor. Make sure to get them suited in and did you prepared the room, which I asked for?" He asked earning a quick yes from her.

"Hmm, take care of everything they need" He ordered coldly before walking off in a another direction. Luna nodded with a bow as she walked up to me.

"Pleased to meet you, ma'am" She greeted.

"You as well" I replied with a soft smile. I saw her glancing at haru as she looked up to meet my gaze.

"She's my daughter, Haru" 

I could tell she was shocked but then she smiled.

"she's so cute. Give her to me, I'll pick her, give your arms some rest" she insisted.

I thought for a while as I nodded. She carefully took haru from me and then ushered me to follow her. We walked up the stairs before reaching on his floor.

Right when we stepped onto that floor, I noticed a change in atmosphere. Almost like everything went dark. We walked over to the last room as she opened the door and we entered inside. She made haru lie on the mattress carefully before walking up to me.

"This will be your room, ma'am. The young master's room is located just the couple of doors from you. Your stuff is packed in, I'll send someone up soon. If you need anything, feel free to ring me. Just use this" She explained while showing the phone which was kept on the side table.

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