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Ugh! Dang it! 1am? Really?

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Ugh! Dang it! 1am? Really?

I got really late today just because of that freaking guy. Seriously! who in the hell arrange a meeting at midnight?

I let out a frustrated sigh as I parked my car and got off. Making my way to the front door, I creaked opened it, meeting with nothing but darkness. I guess they both are sleeping.

Off course they will be, it's past 1 in the morning.

Completely exhausted, I made my way upstairs towards my room, with literally no energy left. Just as I was about to open the door of my room, I heard a sudden commotion.

It came from Haru's room. Intrigued, I followed the sound, my curiosity getting the best of me. A part of me was scared thinking of haru, so I hurried with my footsteps.

As I entered the room, my eyes fell on Y/n. I saw the glass scattered on the floor as her right hand was rested uncomfortably on the side table, giving me the answer of how it fell.

A frown danced on my face as my eyes met with her face, her delicate features twisted in the grip of a distressing nightmare, her body glistening with sweat.

A surge of concern flooded my being and without a second thought, I approached her. She threw her head to left and then right before mumbling something, which I was unable to grasp because of her heavy breathing.

"Y/n?" I softly called her out, as my eyes shifted to haru, who was sleeping peacefully beside Y/n.

"Y/n?" I called her again, trying to get any reaction from her but she kept on mumbling.

"Shh.. you're fine Y/n" I whispered, closer to her face before sitting on the edge of the bed as my hand instinctively reaching out to gently wipe away the tears that strained her cheeks.

In that vulnerable moment, something within me shifted. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her, pulling her close in a comforting embrace.

The sensation of her body against mine felt surprisingly right, igniting a flicker of warmth and tenderness I had long suppressed.

Her body reacted to my touch, as she seemed to relax under it but soon she snuggled more into me making my eyes softened.

I looked for her facial expression and the frown which she had earlier was now replaced by a calm look. I found myself staring at her face and that's when I realised it was the first time, I was noticing her soft features up close.

I held her close, feeling the rise and fall of her breath and noticed the delicate curves of her eyelashes. My finger brushed through her hairs, marveling at it's silky texture.

I traced the delicate curves of her lips with my thumb, feeling a surge of emotion I never expected. The softness of her skin against mine sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't help but pull her closer, wanting to protect and cherish her at that moment.

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