Chapter three

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Annabeth pov

After Percy had swiped through the iris message Annabeth was hit by the reality of the situation. She realized Percy really was going to Tartarus, and that he really was going to have to deal with it all alone. And the realization completely broke her.

She wanted to go to her cabin, but her friends insisted on making sure that she wasn't hurt to bad. Piper gave some nectar and ambrosia and she was back to normal. Her ankle had healed pretty quickly. Annabeth was grateful for her friends, she really was but she couldn't wait to get to her cabin.

When she got there she just sat on the bed for a few minutes. Then she started to sob. She couldn't help it. She had just gotten reunited with her boyfriend and then he was just ripped away from her. Hazel and Piper must've heard her because they both came in closing the door behind them.

"There's a meeting in an hour." Hazel said she looked she had been crying. "I'll be there" said Annabeth a little harsher than she meant to. She just couldn't believe how senseless they where being. Her boyfriend just fell into Tartarus and here they were. Saying that there was a meeting without even asking if Annabeth was ok.

They both simply nodded and walked out the room. Annabeth got up looked in the mirror and cringed. Her face was all muddy and her clothes were dirty and ripped to shreds. She didn't even want to imagine how she smelled. So she turned on the shower to the hottest temperature hoping it melt the filth off her. When she was done she wrapped herself in a towel and changed into clean clothes. Then she brushed her hair and her teeth.

She wasn't sure why she was trying to look good it was just the only thing that kept her from worrying about Percy. Then the bell that always rang when they were going to have a meeting rang and she walked to the deck. She saw everyone but coach there, but she decided not to think about it.

"So," Nico said starting the meeting. "I iris messaged Percy personally and he is okay at the moment. He and I had a conversation and he made me promise him that I would lead everyone to the other side. I'm not completely sure what he meant by that but I am starting to get an idea." "Why don't you tell us what he said so we can see if we could find out what he meant?" Suggested Jason.

Annabeth wondered why none of her friends weren't concerned with the fact that Nico had iris messaged Percy, and just not told anyone.
When she asked that Nico he just shrugged. The old Nico would have said why, she thought sourly. But Nico had changed, and she wasn't sure it was for the better.

"Annabeth?" Said Leo with a concerned look on his face. "Huh?" Annabeth said toning back into the conversation. All her friends were looking at her like she was crazy. Annabeth really didn't know what their problem was.
She just rolled her eyes and walked away.

  About an hour later Jason knocked on her door. Annabeth was contemplating whether she should act like she was asleep  when she saw something slide under the door. It was a letter. It said Hey Annabeth, it's Jason and I just wanted to make sure you were ok. You seemed kind of mad when you stalked away from the meeting. I know I'm not Percy and will never be... but I just wanted to see if you wanted to talk about it. From, Jason Grace. Slowly Annabeth got up and gingerly opened the door. She looked at Jason and he looked back.

  "Hey." He said after a while. "Hey." Said Annabeth plainly. Jason sighed. "You're going to make this difficult. Aren't you?" Annabeth was shocked. "That depends," Said Annabeth. "What do you want?" Annabeth could see that this offended him a little bit. She just couldn't bring herself to care. Percy was in Tartarus and here he was being rude to her. How would he feel if Piper was in Tartarus.  She knew she shouldn't think that, but she didn't care. Nor did she want to.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay because you had looked mad after you stormed away from the meeting. I also wanted to see why you stormed away." Annabeth sighed. Why did Jason have to be so sweet. Of course she did not like him that way, but still. Annabeth  just shrugged. "I mean the love of my life fell into Tartarus because of something we should have seen easily. Now he might die and..." When Annabeth didn't finish her sentence Jason finished it for her.

  "And you would have to live with the guilt for the rest of your life." Annabeth nodded. Jason sighed "You want to know the hardest part for me?" He asked. Annabeth nodded. "I can literally fly. I should have been able to get him before he could fall. I don't know why but my body completely froze when I saw him falling. And by the time it unfroze it was too late.

  "Piper tells me it's not my fault but I can't help but wonder what if I had just not frozen."
Annabeth but her hand on his shoulder in a sisterly way. "Here's a tip don't let yourself fall into the hole the question 'what if' it's never going to help solve the problem." "I know but-" "No buts," Annabeth cut in. "I know I'm right, and you do to. So instead of lingering on 'what ifs' let's linger on 'what cans'." Jason chuckled "Yes ma'am." He said jokingly .Annabeth rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Jason Grace," she said. "You spend to much time with Leo."

I hope you liked this chapter I decided to make on the longer side and don't worry the next chapter os our beloved Percy and I made the longest I've ever written.

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