Chapter 11: Truck

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As Sun walked out of the broken-down pizzaplex, he felt his hands shaking.

He had never been outside the mall before, and on top of that, he didn't have Moon.

Sun wondered, though, why hadn't Moon and he ever tried to leave? Now that he thought about it, it wouldn't have been hard; now outside is a different issue, but they could have at least left the daycare. Why hadn't they? It just never crossed either of their minds.

Maybe Moon tried in that period that Sun wasn't active, but he never said anything about it.

That's when the guy Sun was following led him to a truck, "Just get into the back. You were the last one, so we will be leaving shortly."

Sun nods and looks into the back of the truck before gasping; all the glamrocks were there, well, all except one, Freddy.

Sun wondered why. Was Freddy so damaged that he was unfixable? God, he hoped not.

Sun climbed into the back of the truck, trying to find a spot among the other animatronics. He sat in the very back, kinda next to Chica.

All the Glamrocks were in different states of broken, along with all deactivated. Sun wondered why.

Sun sighed as he wondered where they were all going to go. He looked down at the music box that Moon had fixed and made, that he decided to play. Sun started to play it; it comforted him, reminded him of before all this happened.

Sun closed his eyes, hoping, and praying, for a better future. He held the stuffed Moon that he had also brought, along with a few other toys.

The guy then came and closed the back's door before hopping into the driver's side.

Sun felt as the truck started to move, the rocks under it causing it to rumble.

Sun thought about his marriage. Did separating mean they technically got divorced? If Moon is gone, then does that mean Sun is a widow? He didn't like the idea of that.

The truck kept on rumbling and rumbling. It was hard for Sun to close his eyes and rest.

Every time he tried, it seemed like the truck would jump. Sun sighed, trying to keep his mind off Moon for a while, his beloved Moondrop.

Sun looked at the other animatronics. They looked so cold and lifeless; it was kinda freaky. Sun didn’t like it. He was so used to them being full of life, even if that life usually is mean and full of themselves.

Moon never cared for the Glamrocks. Sun had always wanted to talk to them. But none of them would give them the time of day, except maybe Freddy or Chica, but not even them knew Sun or Moon's names.

Sun looked at their injuries and broken parts. Roxy had no eyes; Sun found that extremely uncomfortable to look at.

Chica, on the other hand, had lost her beak, and some messy and old pizza sauce and cheese were all over her. Sun felt the urge to clean her, but he knew he probably shouldn't touch her.

Monty looked... well, it was hard to tell they were even Monty. The lower body was just completely gone, and his material that Sun would consider his skin was missing. He was completely shell-less. The only way Sun was able to tell it was Monty was because his snoot was kinda still shaped like this, and his red mohawk was still there, though now it probably wasn't considered a mohawk, more like a puffball of hair.

Sun almost found it funny. Was it weird? Oh well, wouldn't be the first time.

Sun tried to close his eyes again to sleep but not before giving his Moon plush a little kiss on the top of its head, wishing it was the real Moon.

-What ya'll think?

-Word Count: 649

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