Chapter 3: Fire and confession

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-Drawing above is mine and is the one that is in the chapter.

The daycare had settled back into its usual quiet after the incident with the kid who messed with the security stuff. Sun was thinking about it, but also bothered by how Moon had been acting.

But then, he smelled something strange. It was a strong, bad smell, like something was burning. Sun's sensors went nuts, and he realized it was smoke. Panic hit him like a truck, no more like a plane. He followed the smell and saw it – right outside the daycare, all on fire. The flames burning everything in their path, and it was getting worse by the second.

Sun's circuits kicked into overdrive. He wasn't worried about kids this time; there weren't any. But he was stuck in a building that was quickly turning into an inferno.

"Oh god! Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god!!" Sun ran to the back of the daycare, trying to find something to put out the fire but there was nothing, and the fire was only getting bigger. "Moon! Moon, we have a problem."

Sun's desperation was rising. Smoke billowed into the daycare, making it hard to breathe. His circuits buzzed with panic, but he knew he had to do something.

"Come on, Moon! This is serious!" Sun begged, "We can't just stay here! We...." Sun backed up more before grabbing the wire in the daycare and lifting it into the balance so he wouldn't burn on the ground.

He watched as all the play structures and toys down below all started burning. Sun felt his heart and everything else twist and turn, break and shatter as everything his whole life revolved around was taken away from him in just a few minutes.

He, at that moment, knew he wasn't going to make it out. Even if he did, what would happen to him with the daycare gone? So Sun accepted his fate, but he wasn't going to go out like this, just standing there, watching, tears in his eyes.

So he rushed over to his room and over to his makeshift bed as he grabbed all the drawings he had gotten over the years from the kids, and he held them close to his chest as he rocked himself in his pillow bed, "It'll be ok....I'll be ok....It'll all be over in a flash....all be over...." Sun looked at the drawings.

They all had the glamrocks and a bunch of toys on them. Sun looked through them all as the fire got closer and closer. That's when he saw one that stood out, "My special day...." Sun read.

It was a drawing of a girl with Sun and Moon to their side, "My favorite characters." Sun felt a smile spread across his face as he chuckled. The kid who had drawn it didn't spell the words, 'favorite' and 'characters' right. Sun found it a little funny, "Cute." he thought out loud, "I remember this....a year ago....who drew this?" Sun looked for a name but found none, "Odd. The kids always sign their names...." Sun sighed, "Oh well...." Sun smiled and held it close as he saw the fire, that had finally gotten to his room get closer and closer. Sun felt more tears run down his face, knowing this was the end, "Moon....I expect an answer....and I know you hate me....or at least don't like me....but since this is the last time I will ever have the chance to tell you....I will, so listen....or don't...I just want to get it out...."

Sun took a deep breath in as the fire got even closer. Its flames and colors dancing beautifully.

Sun found himself wondering if the glamrocks got out okay, if the boy had gotten out okay. He hoped so; he might have never really met the glamrocks, or really liked the troublesome kid, but he really hoped that none of them faced the same fate as him, but at least, he would go out with a smile, with all the kids' drawings and Moon with him.

So as he imagined the kids, their drawings, and just better times in general, along with what could have been with Moon, he said, "I love you....a lot....and I'm happy we could be friends or....tolerated people with each other....I wish we could have done more together....but this is the end....I just wanted to tell you since I won't be able to ever again....I love you Moondrop, you have my full heart...." and that's the last thing Sun said before the last thing he saw, which was the fire, got to him.

Drawing burning, the one with no name ingrained in his mind, as his eyes closed, it was all he could see.

But the last thing he heard wasn't him screaming, which he guessed he did do, but instead, it seemed to be blocked out by a voice in his head saying,

"I love you too, Sundrop."

And that was all he remembered before complete blackness.

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-Word Count: 861

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